Episode 8: Dreams to Dream Lemnear gives a soft sigh to herself as she pricks a yellow tainted flower from the grass below. She lazily closes her eyes as she stretches out fully on the green lawn, and brushes the soft flower against the side of her cheek. "I wish everyday was this peaceful..." she remarks as she reopens her eyes again and stares at the sparse white clouds that drift above her. She smiles to herself in delight as she picks out the shape of a bunny in one select cloud, which reminds her of Gishi. A breeze rushes by her, startling the loose silver hairs around her face. "Things have changed so much since I arrived here in Tokyo...some for the good, some for..." her voice drifts off as she recalls their past battle against the fierce Kilea and her demons. She slightly clenches her fist as the past fights, and recent dreams catches up with her mind. "Everything has gotten so confusing!" she shakes her head a few times to control her emotions. As she slowly closes her eyes again, she recalls the past unusual nights full of nightmares and dreams. ~~~ The young princess smiles as she feels hands wander down the length of her silver hair. "Don't braid it too tight, sis. It gets tangled when I take it out if you do." She hears a light laughter behind her. "Don't worry so much little one." The younger of the two girls stares ahead, watching every now and then as a flower petal or butterfly flies by. The surroundings upon them are pale and soft, and somewhat blurred by it's perfectness. A gentle breeze shakes the taller girl's silver hair. The smaller girl tilts her head slightly back. "It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it Ai-Chan?" ~~~ Her eyes remain closed as the soft images and words leave her mind, and is soon replaced by a more disturbing one she had had just the past night. ~~~ "Princess? May I have a word with you?" A small girl in a short trimmed dress approaches a pale woman, sitting high in her chair. The quiet girl gives a small nod giving the other permission to speak. "Your sister's ceremony is nearly all planned out. What would you like your gift to her be, your highness?" A moment's silence follows the inquiring questions, but is shortly followed by a quiet, yet cold voice. "Present? Hasn't she been given enough? She's already received what I have wished for for all my years." The younger girl gives an uncertain look of bewilderment, then takes a small step back. "Your highness, perhaps I should come back at a later time of convenience." Without warning, the woman reaches down near her throne, and grasps a cup from a tray. No later she flings the cup from her hand harshly at the young girl, who has barely enough time to give a cry of shock and bound out of the way. "Your highness!" screams out the scared girl, as she turns to run from the room. "What is the matter?!" After a moment of no reply, she runs out of the room, leaving the broken shards of glass from the cup sprawled out upon the tile floor...." ~~~ Lemnear's eyes snap open as the remembered dreams fade from her mind. "What do they mean?" a barrage of tears begin to form in Lemnear's eyes as she sits up and holds her head desperately in her hands. "Why do I keep being tormented by them?" A single, delicate tear slides down her soft cheek as she cradles herself in her arms. "For once, why can't I have a night without dreams?" ******************** "Lemnear.......Lemnear? Where is Lemnear?" The older teacher looks up from her roll list as she searches for Lemnear throughout the classroom. As she spots her empty seat, she gives a short sigh. "Absent...again." Mikey stares thoughtfully at Lemnear's vacant seat, and mutters quietly under his breath. "This is the third day....I wonder what could be the matter with her." Taking his eyes from the spot, he lifts up his pencil from the desk and scribbles on a blank piece of paper. As the scribbling subsides, his thoughts drift back to the past weeks before. I got my wish for a chance to fight.....but now I wish I could take it back. One of our past battles almost cost me my own twin... His senses snap back to the classroom as the tip of his pencil sounds a loud "crack" He stares bluntly at the now broken pencil laying partly in his hands. How are we supposed to bring things back to peace again? ******************** Meika gives a scream of delight as she pounds the volley ball back towards the opposing team. She reaches up her hand and wipes the sweat from her brow, and watches as the ball is swiftly sent back over to her team, but is yet sent back again by another team mate. As the ball hits the ground on the other side, Meika and the others girls jump up in a shriek of laughter and triumph as they are declared the winners of the game. "We won again!" cries out Meika in delight, as she walks back to the locker room with her friend. The girls nods and smiles, slightly pausing to give her a spirited high five. As Meika nears her locker, she notices a faint delicate smell of sweets, or perhaps of flowers. Pushing aside the smell, she props open her locker to retrieve her normal school uniform. As she pulls the clothes from their holding place, something soft drops into Meika's hands, startling her. As she looks in her palm, her face turns pale as she glimpses the dead flower laying there. "What the...." As she peers again in her locker, she finds a short, crumpled note in there as well. Her face turns even paler as she reads the words inscribed upon it. "Time is near, love will die, like the short life of a beautiful flower. Yours and those of love will come to my end when it is not thought of." Meika drops the flower on the ground as if it had bitten her, and turns around for the door. "Lemnear!" ******************** The silver haired girl slowly unfolds the crumpled note in her hands and reads the short poem out loud to the group, who is gathered around in a circle in the middle of Lemnear's living room. A misty eyed Lemnear refolds the paper again as she finishes reading it, and looks up to the others. "What does it mean?" Meika slowly shakes her head in confusion. "I don't know. I found it in my locker during last period today of school. There was a dead flower with it also, but I accidentally left it there. Lenmear, do you think we could be getting closer to the main source of the Dark Kingdom?" The girl opens the note again, rereads it, then puts it up in her pocket, then takes it back out again as if it would be clearer if she read it just one more time. Nobiyuki looks over at her and wonders thoughtfully. "Maybe it's a warning. We should watch our backs extra carefully I say. They always try to catch us by sup rise anyways. It makes sense." Lemnear just shakes her head in frustration. "No...the smell coming from this letter....the scent of a certain flower...I.....I.....can't remember... .but there's something I feel like I should know from it....it's all so confusing!" Lemnear angrily crumples the note in her fist and hurls it against the nearest wall. Suddenly her eyes soften a bit, realizing she had over reacted. "I.....I'm sorry....I don't feel very well....if you'll excuse me...I'm sorry...." Half in a daze and half filled with anger, Lemnear departs from the group quickly and runs upstairs to her room. Mog looks up worryingly as the sound of a closing door from upstairs is heard. "Something's not right. She hasn't been herself lately." Mikey nods in agreement. "Yeah...she's been absent from school for the past 3 days. She seems so worn out." Nobiyuki soon joins in the conversation. "Maybe she hasn't gotten enough sleep, or her school work is bothering her. We do have a lot of projects coming up that are due soon." Meika ponders the suggestions carefully in her mind, then thinks out loud. "Let's just give her some time. Being the lead senshi has to be a bit hard on her, you know? It's a lot of responsibility to handle. The fact that we now have the Sapphire Orb in our hands, doubles that pressure. If it falls into the wrong hands, who knows what could happen." The others nods as they realize this. Then Mog stands up, and picks up his bag. "I have to be going. I have to be at work in 15 minutes. Following that, Nobiyuki and Mikey stand up as well. "We both have to work on a Chemistry project that's due by the end of the week. Want to come, Meika?" Meika shakes her head, and takes the TV remote in her hand. "I'll stay here for awhile longer and make sure Lemnear's alright. You guys go on." She gives a smile as the head for the door. "Don't have TOO much fun guys!" They both groan as they walk out the door, preparing for the long hours of work ahead of them. ******************** Lemnear sits down softly on her bed, and slowly slides open the drawer in her night stand. Within it she pulls out her senshi transformation wand, which is softly glowing a light silver. It feels cold laying in her hands, but the warmth emitting from the glow soon warms them. "Please......help me understand....." As her words leave her lips, the wand begins to glow brighter with power. A tears slide down Lemnear's pale face, both from exhaustion and confusion. As the light increases, a faint outline of a silver star appears on Lemnear's forehead, and her eyes turn a pale blue. She falls into a mute trance as the light surrounding her wand becomes blinding, encircling her whole self, and everything within her room. ~flashback~ "Lemnear!" "Lemnear! Wake up!" The small girl's eyes slowly open, full of exhaustion and drowsiness from being struck unconscience for so long. As she tries to focus on who is calling her, she cringes as she feels her bruises and cuts along her body. "What.....happened..." The man's face relaxes somewhat as he sees his sister's blue eyes open, still full of life. "Thank heavens you're alive. I was sure Aliana would have been powerful enough to have finished you." He looks around their surroundings, and sees three other young men, and another small girl laying motionless on the ground, only a few feet from them. Their clothes appear tattered, and beaten by war. "No....." He looks down again as he feels the girl move in his arms. "What...happened....please...." As the girl's eyes finally focus, she sees the familiar face of her brother, his silver hair still shining the same, although his uniform was a bit worn. "Brother...why are you here?" The man's face turns a bit saddened, and softly looks away. The girls manages to sit up on her own, and her face twists to horror as she sees her four friends laying without life on the ground. "No! Heart! Earth! Fire! Water! Please no!" She struggles to her feet, and collapses in despair besides Sailor Heart, and tries to shake her awake. When getting no response, she utters a cry of loss then looks back at her brother. "What happened?! Why are they like this?" The man softly takes the girl's arm, and brings her back to him. "I came too late...I'm sorry. The important thing though is that you are alive." The girl pushes harshly away, then begins to sob heavily. "My friends!" The man angrily looks at the darkened sky, then back to his sister. "Aliana will pay for what she has done to our family." The girl slowly looks up, her eyes red from tears. "Ai-chan? She.....she did all this?" Her eyes open wide as she remembers what had happened before she had blacked out. There was a fight. Aliana had attacked her and the other senshi as they had neared her gates. Although her sister had left her to die in the palace, she would have never thought she would gather the other senshi to attack her. She was so furious, and attacked them heavily.....then.....here she was... ... the girl brought her head into her hands and began to sob again, half for the pain caused upon her friends, and half for the betrayal of her dear sister. The man placed his hand soothingly on the girl's shoulder. "Do you still have the orb? Or did....Aliana get it?" The girl quietly shook her head, then placed her hand over her subspace pocket. Within seconds the beautiful blue orb appeared in her hands, glowing with power. "I...I tried to use it against Aliana....but I couldn't....I couldn't hurt her, no matter what she had done..." The man gently took the orb from the girl's hands, and held it up, examining it carefully. "It seems still alright...will you help me in ending this war, the Crystal Wars?" The girl looks sadly at her friends, still laying on the ground. She gives a slight nod in agreement. The man holds up the Orb, and begins to concentrate and immense amount of power around it. A soft blue light envelopes the girl and himself, then grows larger and includes the fallen senshi as well. Soon after, another girl, slightly older, appears at the top of a nearby hill, with a dull red glow to her eyes. As she takes a step further, her eyes open wide in fear as she sees the glowing orb, and her siblings. "What do you think you're doing, Silvanis?!" The man concentrates his power even harder as he sees the appearance of the betrayer. "I am saving this world, from you, and all the evil you've brought to it!" The girl, holds out a hand, and places it also on the orb. Soon after, a bright glowing silver star appears on her forehead, shining with power. "I will not allow you to hurt anyone else!" Aliana gives a smirk as she sees her younger sister, beside her brother. "You little weakling. I don't know how you survived my last attack, but you surely won't last much longer. I will regain the power of the wind, as they were meant to be mine in the first place!" As she yells out her final words, she holds out a hand in front of her, and blasts a dark shock of black lighting, straight at them. Her eyes open wide with shock as her attack is repelled easily, by the glowing blue sphere that has grown wider around the Senshi and Silvanis. "No! This can't be!" As the glow of the sphere around them increases, so does the power within the orb. Silvanis looks over at the girl beside him, and smiles. "Are you ready, Lemnear?" The silver haired girl nods, then closes her eyes. As the star glows to a blinding light, she yells out her last attack. "Wind Silver Light!" Soon after Silvanis gathers the last of his own immense power, and combines it with that of the orb, and Lemnear's attack. A shattering silver light blasts from the Sapphire Orb, piercing through the darkest parts all around them , including that of Aliana. A faint scream is heard as the form of Aliana is enclosed within a silver bubble, then fades from sight, as does her large army all over the parts of the kingdom. As Lemnear feels the energy she has left subside from her body, she falls to the ground in a lifeless heap. When the light emitting from the Orb seems to dim, it suddenly gives out a startling burst of silver light, enveloping that of herself, Silvanis, and the other sailor soldiers, forming a protective shield around each one. As the light begins to dim again, so does that of those inside the shields, and are soon after sent forward in time, to begin a new, peaceful life with no memory of what was of their past...... ~end of flashback As the glow around Lemnear's wand fades, her eyes begin to clear, and she again becomes aware of her surroundings. As the last of the vision fades from her mind, her head falls heavily into her hands, not knowing whether to be relieved of finally knowing her past, or to cry of the dreadful end it came to. "Why did such terrible things happen to my family and friends in the past? All the problems should have been resolved more peacefully......instead.... .." She closes her eyes drowsily, having been drained of energy from using the immense power to recall the lost memories. She soon falls backwards on her bed, her long silver hair sprawled out around her face. She lets out a heavy sigh as she feels sleep overtake her, and for the first time in months, nightmares do not invade. ******************** John slowly slides back from outside Lemnear's window, still attempting to gather up all the refreshed memories he had just encountered. He had felt a strange power coming from her house as he was on his daily jog, and when he came closer he noticed the strange blue and silver glow shining through her window. As she had stepped closer to it, he also became evoked in the flashback of memories. "Who would've thought.........I have a feeling that what we've been dealing with against the Dark Kingdom may very well be headed by Aliana. She must have somehow broken free of the seal she was enclosed in long ago." As he takes a last glance at the now sleeping Lemnear, he brushes back a few loose silver strands of hair from his eyes with his hand, then begins his journey home. "Looks like we have more to deal with than I thought....." ******************** Aliana snarls in anger as she watches in a floating sphere, Lemnear regaining her memories once again. "Just great! Now the little princess, AND her brother remember everything! Now they'll remember of my betrayal to them and identity, before I even launch my main attack!" The servant's near her throne cower at the sound of her angry voice, in fear she will soon after take her fury out on them. They watch as the silver haired girl steps down from her throne, and angrily punches the viewing sphere, shattering it into many pieces. "I will get my revenge on you soon enough, Lemnear. You and your friends will pay dearly for my suffering." She steps again upon her tall throne, while half-knowingly fingering a small blue pendent hanging around her throat. The metal feels cold against her skin, but quickly warms with the touch of her fingers and a few murmured words. She closes her eyes, and quickens her chant of words, causing the pendent to grow more warmly with power. As she reopens her eyes, the once tattered and destroyed throne room she was standing in is now transformed to the beauty it once was. "I should have been Queen of this kingdom.....and the master of the wind.... ..it's all her fault that it had to end like it did. If only I had received the powers of the wind instead of the selfish brat." She angrily clenches the pendent in her fist, causing the appearance of the glorious room to dissipate to that of the cold, abandoned room it was before. "They will suffer as I have, and so much more........" As the angered woman seems to have calmed down a bit, another girl in short black hair appears out of the darkness. "Your highness, I am ready to be sent on my next mission." Aliana smiles evilly at the thought of her new revised plan. "Go on then Kilea. This time, do not fail me." Kilea gives a short bow, and promises her of a sure victory. Soon after she opens a portal nearby, and steps through. ******************** Meika takes the TV remote and switches off the program she had been watching. "I have to go pretty soon....I should check on Lemnear right quick before I leave." As she says this, she gets back on her feet and walks up the stairs slowly. When she reaches Lemnear's room, she lightly taps on the door, and waits for a response. After a few moments of silence, she quietly props open the door and peers inside. As she steps in, she feels a chilled draft flow by, causing her to shiver. "It's so cold in here." Soon she sees the open window, the cause of the draft. As she walks over to shut it, she sees the sleeping form of Lemnear on her bed. "She must've really been tired, it's barely 7 o'clock yet. Poor thing." She quietly slides the window closed, and momentarily stops to pull the covers up over Lemnear, not noticing her senshi wand laying near her side. "Sleep well, Lemnear. You deserve it." Before leaving the room and shutting the door, she switches off the light in the room, leaving Lemnear in the darkness to sleep. ******************** Lemnear nearly trips over her poor bunny, Gishi, as she races down the sidewalk towards school. The rabbit frantically leaps out of the way, but maintains his pace up with Lemnears. "Oh I can't be late for school!" cries out a hurrying Lemnear, as she quickens her pace a bit more. The huffing bunny manages a reply. "You're always late!" The flustered girl finally reaches her school gates, and rushes up the stairs, leaving the gasping bunny behind. She soon bursts through the classroom door, and hurries to her seat. She gives a quick wave and smile at Mikey, who is sitting in the row across from her. He leans over in a whisper, "You decided to come today...are you feeling better?" Lemnear gives him a nod, just as the teacher walks into the classroom. The older woman places her study guides on her desk, and carefully begins to read to roll sheet. Suddenly, she hears a tap at the door, and a student rushes up from their seat to answer it. As the boy opens the door, the vice principal walks through, followed by a young, pale girl with short black hair. The principal gives a short cough, and begins to introduce the new girl. "Class, you will have a new student joining you for the rest of the semester. Her name is Kanaki Shiwa. Please be nice to her and show her around the building. Thanks." With his last words, he rushes out of the room, leaving the quiet girl standing at the front of the room. She shyly gives a small wave, and mutters a distant "hello". The teacher soon stands up next to the girl, and shows her to a seat next to Lemnear's desk. As Lemnear watches Kanaki take a seat beside her, she couldn't help feeling a chill run up her spine. She shudders and shakes the feeling from her, and gives a warm smile towards the new girl. Her face turns to suprise as Kanaki's face remains motionless, not returning the gestured welcome, and then turns away. Lemnear gives a small shake of her head, not understanding Kanaki's cold response, but shrugs it off. "She's new after all.....I should know that feeling since I experienced it such a short time ago...." She thought to herself as she props her head up on her hand, and begins to listen to the teacher's lecture for that day... Meanwhile, on the other side of Kanaki, Mikey watches the spectacle quietly from his seat. "How strange..." he thinks to himself, "I feel like I've seen her somewhere before..." ******************** "Oh no!" The group looks up from their lunches, alarmed, over at Meika. "I forgot to put my sandwich in my lunch this morning!" cries at a hysterical Meika, who keeps shoving through her lunch, trying to find the missing sandwich. The other 3 silently shakes their heads, both relieved and agitated at Meika's cry. Lemnear waves her sandwich in front of Meika, then breaks it in have, and gives one part to Meika. "Here you go." Meika gives a half smile as she accepts the half of her sandwich. "Thanks, Lemnear." Nobiyuki takes a bite from his apple, swallows, then begins to speak. "So you're feeling better today, Lemnear? You don't seem so worn out." The silver haired girl smiles a bit and nods. "Yes, I'm feeling better, mostly because now.....I understand..." Mikey gives a curious look over to Lemnear, at her last statement. "Understand what, Lemnear?" Lemnear places her sandwich back in her sack, and slowly looks up to the others. "Of my past.. .our past....I saw it last night." Meika stops eating her sandwich, and stares at Lemnear. "Our...past? You mean our origins as senshi?" Lemnear gives a small nod, and continues. "Yes, I understand it all now, and...I know who we are facing." By now the others have paused in the devouring of their lunches, and have given their full attention towards Lemnear. Lemnear's eyes slightly glisten over, as the past memories flood her mind again. "My.......my sister...... Aliana...." The others turn open mouthed, shocked to have an enemy be so close to their own leader. Meika speaks up first. "But how? Why would your own sister try to destroy us?" Lemnear just shakes her head, and speaks softly. "I think, she was jealous that she didn't receive the powers as Sailor Wind.....also, there's more. Do you remember, Silvanis?" Nobiyuki nods quickly, remembering his help in the past battles, as do the others. "He is my brother." replies Lemnear, still slightly shocked from this discovery. The others have the same reaction, then understand why the appearances between Lemnear and Silvanis had been so similar. "Of course!" exclaims Mikey. "It makes sense!" The other nod in agreement, then revert back to their shock of all this new information coming to them. "So what do we do now?" asks Meika to Lemnear softly. The girl shrugs her shoulders slightly. "I don't know. Aliana could have her base hidden anywhere. All we can do for now is wait and see what happens." Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye Mikey notices the new girl, Kanaki, eating lunch alone on a bench near the other side of the court yard. He gives a small nudge with his elbow at Meika. She turns around to him, looking at him. "What, Mikey?" She soon notices his stare, and follows his gaze at the new girl. "Who is she?" Meika asks. Lemnear notices the girl also, and speaks up. "She's the new girl, Kanaki. If you ask me she's strange." Nobiyuki also looks over at the new girl. "She looks lonely if you ask me. Maybe we should go over and say hello." They look over as Lemnear give a sort of snort. "Don't bother. I tried earlier in class today, and she just looked away and ignored me. She looks like a stuck up snob if you ask me, even if she is new." The other give a sort of surprised glance over at Lemnear, who are not used to hearing such words from her. "Wow, somebody had a bad start I think." exclaims a shocked Mikey. Lemnear just shakes her head and continues with her lunch. Slowly, while the others also resume their lunches as well, she peers up at the girl again, only to find her gone. "How strange....." she mutters quietly to herself, wondering...... ******************** "Hey boy, can you close up the shop today? My bones are rusted and I'm too sore to do it myself this time." claims an old man, in a long robe. Mog glances briefly up to the old man, and nods. "Sure, no problem." The old man nods thankfully, as he heads towards his home end of the shrine, and out of the souvenir shop. Mog picks up a broom, and quickly begins sweeping the brought in dirt from the floor. He hums a known tune to himself, trying to break the silence of the room as he sweeps. Oddly enough, he hears a soft knock at the shrine's shop entrance. Ignoring it, he keeps up his sweeping, as if there had been no knock at all. Later, after a few more moments, another, this time louder knock sounds from the door. Mog stands up fully from his sweeping, and calls out, "Shop's closed! Come back tomorrow!" After a few moments, the knock at the door sounds again, and this time even louder. Giving a heavy sigh, he walks towards the door, and slowly opens it. He stares at the young, black haired girl standing in front of him, wearing a short blue dress. "Umm...may I help you miss?" he asks the girl oddly, finding it weird at having a visitor to the shrine this late. The girl smiled sweetly, almost evilly, as she responds. "No, but I think you can help me...." Mog shakes his head, a bit confused. "What do you mean? You lost or something?" The girl steps back from him, and stares him straight in the face. "Oh come now, you must surely remember me...Sailor Fire!" Mog steps back, astonished at having this strange girl know his identity. "How in the world..." before he can finish his sentence, a powerful shock of black lightning fires from the girl's hand, enveloping him whole. Mog gives a last defending cry, before he falls deeply into unconscienceness. Soon after, the black lightning surrounding him, blacks out his image completely, then fades from sight, taking him with it. The girl gives a laugh of joy, as she sees her first mission accomplished. "Great! That was so easy! Aliana will be greatly pleased." With that, Kilea swiftly walks away from the shrine, leaving the door slightly ajar... ******************** Lemnear gives a sigh of impatience as she listens to the phone in Mog's new apartment ring over and over again, with no answer. "Where is he? I know he is usually home from the shrine by this time." Earlier she had promised the others to phone him, and let him know of what they had gained from the past. As the phone rang a tenth time with no answer, she reluctantly placed the phone back in it's holder. "I guess he had to work overtime or something..." After deciding to try calling him a bit later, she races upstairs to see if Gishi is there, cause she had been planning to talk with him about things going on. As she reaches her room, she feels a cold draft overtake her. She shivers immensely, then walks into her room. Noticing her window wide open, she walks quickly over to it and shuts it. Giving a short sigh, she walks over to her bed to see if Gishi is asleep upon it. When she nears closer to it, she begins to notice a faint sweet smell, and then sees a crumpled piece of paper laying upon her pillow. Her face turns pale as she sees the form of a dead flower, laying next to the piece of paper. Her hand shaking, she reaches for the note and picks it up carefully. As she unfolds it, she begins to read the dreadful words inscribed upon it. "Fight wind with wind, and you'll get caught in-between. Fight fire with wind, and you're gonna get burned. But how good are you, dear child, without Fire?"