The God

    There is no easy way to explain Chaos or his existance. In an ancient Kryssian mythology, Chaos (also known as Gorkain) was the father of all things. He was companion, and lover to Life (aka Jovia), the mother of all things. When the empty black eternity (Chaos), met the spark of love and life (Life), the universe was the first creation of their existance. Soon came children, also Gods, with whom Chaos created and ruled over all things. Chaos is timeless, a necessary bit of the cycle, just as important as life and death. If it is possible for a supreme (?) power to possess a personality, Chaos is incredibly impatient, horrendously rash, unpredictable, and doesn't always consider his position in relation to all other things (in other words, he is a bit arrogant).
Chaos Logos
Chaotic Wallpaper ;)
Snippets Starring Chaos
Pictures of Chaos
Name: Chaos, or Gorkain

Sex: Male (though it sex is not an issue for an immortal being such as Chaos)

Race: Immortal Being

Born: The Dawn of Time

Age: Innumberable

Height: Typical form, 6'3"

Hair Color:Silver

Eye Color: Black

Appearance: Chaos' typical form is of a male, aged aproximately 30 years. He wears slightly loose trousers (a style made famous on ancient Kryss), a golden armor vest, and a long royal blue cloak.

Weapons: Chaos commands the planets, causes the stars to twinkle, and amazing...what need does he have for weapons?

Weapons: Chaos commands the planets, causes the stars to twinkle, and amazing...what need does he have for weapons?

Attacks: What? And give it away?

Talisman: Keepsakes are not important to Chaos, as after an unimaginable number of years of existance too many would have piled up. The universe itself would be his most prized possession.

Favorite Color: Deep, mysterious, unending black

Favorite Food: Whatever he desires...

Likes: Caliua, power

Dislikes: If he truely dislikes something, he could destroy it...therefore nothing exists that he doesn't find some interest in.

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