Don't forget about everything that happened this year...
- Rhiannon Serovey

It was that quote that helped inspire the full version of this web page. We welcome you to Hillsborough High School's Class of 1997's Official Web Page! This page is to help all those from the Class of 1997 to be able to look back fondly on their Senior year and to enable them NOT to forget what happened this year...

Attention Members of the Class of 1997!

If you would like to see something added/changed to this page, just email us!

Clinton's Visit to HHS

Who was the one person that visited Tampa just to speak to Hillsborough High Students? Who was the person who got our school's pride, our president's face, and our principal's voice on national television? Of course, President William Jefferson Clinton. Better known as Bill, he visited our campus on September 5, 1996 during a campaign blitz for re-election. He was originally scheduled to visit during the summer sessions, but had to cancel because of hurricane warnings. He had selected HHS because of its recent additions to the building, and because it reminded him of the school he had attended in Little Rock. Our campus was transformed to a breeding ground for media, a rally for supporters, and a showcase for the world. Students were released from class hall by hall around 8:30 AM, passing through metal detectors and the scrutinizing eyes of the Secret Service, who had been on campus for several days already. All of the top politicians of Tampa came out to greet the President including Snady Freeman and Jim Davis. Representative Sam Gibbons led the student body in an ear aching rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and Grand Old Flag. Governor Lawton Chiles and Lt. Governor Buddy MacKay were key note speakers as the students waited in the sweltering heat for 2 and a half hours. When the President arrived in Tampa, he made an impromptu visit to Houlihan Stadium to visit the Buccaneers. Once he got to Hillsborough, Student Council President Erica Allen had the great honor of introducing the President. He spoke for about 12 minutes about "building his bridge to the 21st Century". He then came down and shook hands with as many people who could reach him. His campaign here at Hillsborough paid off when he beat Bob Dole on November 5, abd became the first Democrat to carry Florida's electoral vote in over 20 years.

Additional Comments About the President's Visit

"I thought it was really cool that the President came to our school. I am Republican, but hey, it is the main man."

- Paula Josephson (Class of 1999)

"I was so proud of the fact that he came to us. I got to meet him, and was really impressed by the reaction of the crowd. I would love to have his job."

- Andrea Saavedra (Class of 1997)

"It was so hot! We waited so long for a 15 minute speech"

- Name Withheld (Class of 1997)

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Fashion Plates

Fashion is an important part of any High School student. It is an expression of who they are. There are four main styles that were symbolized by five different people.

The Prep

Alisha Smith (Class of 1997) is the perfect example for the prep, or classical, style at HHS. Some trademarks of these fashionplates are Gap sweatshirts, khaki pants, penny loafers, and denim T-shirts. This style was comfortable, as well as extremely popular.


Captain Casual (a.k.a. Mr. Landis) and his trainee, Kharis Rojas (Class of 1997)have this difficult style mastered.


John Lennon never died, Peter Murszewski (Class of 1997) is living proof of it!


Giovanni Vargas makes a statement, of sorts with his style.

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Home Coming

"A Night of Unlocked Treasures" was the theme of the dance, with silver, blue, and black as the colors. It was held at the Sheraton East on Hillsborough Ave. Innuendoes aside, it was a phenomenal success. The decorations consisted of treasure boxes and goldfish in little bowls, which many people adopted at the end of the dance. The music was, for the first time in years, as diverse as the student who attended. Fashion at the dance was elegant and simple. Many ladies opted for the traditional black dress, while others were daring in red. The men wore white tuxedos and clothes previously confined to the bedroom closet. Others added to this classic look by having canes and top hats. Jaime Rodriguez (Class of 1997) said that "I couldn't believe how nice everyone looked."

King and Queen:

Jessie McNeil and Erica Allen


Trenika Philyor and Remer McIntyre (1st)
Jason Daniels and Shushana Campbell (2nd)
Rashim Powell and Carmen Brandley (3rd)
Jeremy Earle and Shannon Lee (4th)

Prince and Princess:

Charles Duncan and JaMessaha Bernadine

Duke and Duchess

Robert McIntyre and Cecilia Hubbert

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Senior Notables

Every year, the Seniors pick "notables" a.k.a. people who are known for certain actions or qualities. Here is HHS's Senior Notables!


Best Physique Male......................Anthony Whitehead
Best Physique Female....................Trenika Philyor
Quietest Female.........................Kelly Winter
Quietest Male...........................Kevin Jones
Biggest Klutz Male......................Steve Collova
Biggest Klutz Female....................Gwen Lancaster
Most Socially Active Female.............Trenika Philyor
Most Socially Active Male...............Earl Johnson
Most School Spirit Female...............Erica Allen
Most School Spirit Male.................Earl Johnson
Most Dependable Female..................Erica Allen
Most Dependable Male....................Earl Johnson
Best Personality and Attitude Female....Erica Allen
Best Personality and Attitude Male......Jon Ward
Prettiest Hair Male.....................Juan Pablo Parra
Prettiest Hair Female...................Danielle Ghahremani
Best Dressed Female.....................Danielle Ghahremani
Best Dressed Male.......................Bass Grant
Friendliest Male........................Earl Johnson
Friendliest Female......................Varsha Gray
Most Unique Female......................Stacey Smith
Most Unique Male........................Shane Ward
Most Intelligent Male...................Tranh Pham
Most Intelligent Female.................Yen Thai
Cuttest Couple..........................Samantha Johnson and James Sisson
Most Athletic Female....................Shushanna Campbell
Most Athletic Male......................Aleous Chambers
Most Humorous Male......................Jeremy Brantley
Most Humorous Female....................Latanya Hall
Prettiest Smile Female..................Hannah Lloyd
Prettiest Smile Male....................Matt Tyler
Most Talented Male......................David Germino
Most Talented Female....................Natalia Williams
Best Looking Female.....................Victoria Bowers
Best Looking Male.......................Eric Vasquez
Prettiest Eyes Male.....................Marshall Cosby
Prettiest Eyes Female...................Aprille Doss
Most Likely To Succeed Female...........Erica Allen
Most Likely To Succeed Male.............Earl Johnson
Best All Around Female..................Erica Allen
Best All Around Male....................Esaw Scruggs

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National Honor Society (NHS)

Hillsborough had a record amount of NHS members in this class. Congrats to the Class of 1997!

President Jason Rhoden
Vice President Deval Patel
Treasurer Raya Arabestani
Secretary Jessica Hendrix
Historian Lourdes Oztolaza
Parliamentarian Jini Kim

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Coleman Bell...

The Top Dawg

In 1994, Coleman Bell came to our school. He showed up at football games to cheer the students on. Many students felt by doing this, it showed that Mr. Bell was not too far above them to come to a student level and watch the team come to victory. No one can forget the possibilty of no free T-shirts this year... Mr. Bell surprisingly announced that they were coming!

Comments about Mr. Bell

"It's great to see him jump around at the football games."
- Nikki Fortenbery (
Class of 1998)

"I like the way he interacts with the students."
- Janay Russell (Class of 1998)

"He's kind of itimidating, but he does his job well."
- Erin Longmire (Class of 1999)

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New Things around school...

It was a warm August morning when the door reopened for the beginning of another school year. Although still disoriented from waking up before noon, many students noticed something strange and particular. There was something missing. The clinking of metal, the stench of sweaty construction workers, and the sound of heavy machinery. Yes, the construction was over and the new library complete.

As students and teachers et out to explore the new wonders of the modern addition to the legendary campus, they noticed the improvements made during construction of the new buildings. A higher ceiling, windows for better lighting, and a more spacious study environment are a few of its features that the previous library lacked.

Yet, in spite of its differences, the brick exterior and arched enterance were built to compliment the architectural design of the historical main building. "It looks as if it was part of the original school," commented Adam Pross (Class of 1997). Tayna Texidor Class of 1997 said, "I'm glad they added the new building... it's given a quality image to Hillsborough."

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A Season To Remember...

NEED I SAY MORE?!?!?!? The 1996-97 Hillsborough High School Varsity Football Team didn't have a great season, they has an unbelievable season. They were part of History and will always be remembered at Hillsborough as one of the greatest teams ever. The Terriers went (9-1) in the regular season and (4-1) in the playoffs. They made it to the Class 6A State Playoffs Championship game against miami Carol City at Daytona Beach. The Terriers regular season season record helped them host all the playoff games at home. They defeated Brandon, Dr. Phillips, Niceville and Pensacola at the Terrier's Home Field (Chelo Huerta Field).

The Terriers overpowered their opponents on both offense and defense. The Terriers offense was mainly controlled by three year starting quarterback Jeremy Earle (Class of 1997). His load was shared by the running game. The Terriers were led on the ground by Kenneth Davis (Class of 1998) and Aleous Chambers (Class of 1997) who ran and trucked over anyone that came in their way. Much of that success goes to the O-line. The O-line made it possible for Jeremy Ealr to find the leading recievers Steve Delach (Class of 1997) and Benji Drawdy (Class of 1997). The kicking was done almost perfectly by Scott Everhart (Class of 1999)

The main credit goes to the coaching staff. Coach Earl Garcia and his staff made sure that every player was focused and ready for every game. The coaches and players put lots of time and effort in the season and it all paid off at the end of the year.

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HHS Track

One More Mile...

Running through the woods, ducking trees, and avoiding head on collisions with fellow runners -- those were just some of the hazardous adventures these dedicated Cross country runners faced at each meet. The Boy's Cross Country team spent many hours running around the school, up and down Hillsborough Avenue, or any other dangerous and long paths that Coach Watson selected. The meets were just as grueling as the practices in the hot August sun. Varsity runner and former MVP Carl Shephard (Class of 1997) said, "I remember tunning in one of the meets and all I coudl think of was 'just one more mile'." Coach Watson, who himself had been a State Champion in the 1980's, said that "[he] felt that we had an excellent team this year, and that the team's ability to communicate with each other, while remaining focuses, gave the Terriers a competitive edge." Alan Cheng (Class of 1998) said it best: "It was the legendary spirit of Hillsborough's athletes which pushed us through."

Gone With the Wind

Poem written by Allison Middleton (Class of 2000)

Hardwork and Dedication.

Sweat, Tears, and Pride,
All of our Devotion,
To Make our Team Recognized.
Twelve talented runners,
The best you can Find,
Not just in speed,
But also in mind.
With Shushana's grave,
and Kristen;s Strength,
and Carla's Persuasion,
With Odie's new found Talent,
and Kristen's Competition,
Angie's Wisdom,
and Christa's Intuition,
With all of Amy's Humor,
and Alex's great Attitude,
Along with Alison's Camaraderie
and Lucy's everlasting Fortitude.
It takes all of that,
To make our Team,
What it is today,
and without Coach Vohdin's
Nagging, There would be no way.
No way to go as far as we've gone
No way to hold our pride,
There are Special Things in All of
us, Treasures we hold inside.
Suppost, Innocence, Friendshio, Kindness, Strength, and Love,
Those are qualities we all possess,
Ones we hold above.
Above all things that get us down
or make us want to quit.
We know we'll always be together,
Because Together -- We all Fit,
To Guide,
To Protect,
To Make Sure Everything is all Right,
Together we will Never give up,
Not without a Fight.
But Still the season is over,
and when the next one begins,
our Seniors Will be Gone,
and so will some of our closest FRIENDS.

Good-Bye to Senior:

Shushana Campbell
Melissa Harding
Christa Giamporcaro
Angie Baldwin
Elizabeth Hordge
Kassy Rodriguez
Taunshae Mack
Scarlet Bent

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HHS Student Government

The officers were...

President Erica Allen
Vice President of Administration Andrea Saavedra
Vice President of Student Affairs Trenika Philyor
Secretary Shannon Lee
Treasurer Quaneshala MacFarland
Parliamentarian Elizabeth Hordge
Historian Aja Ishmael

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HHS Senior Class Officers

The 1997 Senior Class Officers:

President Steven Collova
Vice President Earl Johnson
Treasurer Nicholas Williams
Historian Jatzen Zeledon
Secretary Carmen Brantley
Parliamentarian Antonio Blair

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Odds and Ends

Here are some comments made by Seniors...

"Most people, reject trandition, but here at HHS, everyone embraces it because they know that no matter how much things change, life at HHS will always be the same."
- Christopher Evans

"Seniors had a curfew, freshmen had a bedtime."
- Robyn Drayne

"The [cafeteria] food is nasty; I eat junk."
- Brandi Johnson

"The cafeteria food is disgusting, as is the food in the machines, and we're not allowed to leave the school grounds to get edible food."
- Sara Williams

"This Night [Homecoming] is a night I will never forget!"
- Jennifer DeRosa

"Hillsborough has a very diverse student body. The Big Red is not only diverse in race and religion, but also in personality."
- Melissa Harding

"Hillsborough is renowned for its uncanny cohesiveness. It is amazing that a group os strangers can come together every day and live as one big happy family."
- Amanda Baker

"Everyone always says that they'll keep in touch after school, but they never do. I know my friends and I will never forget about each other like that."
- Latesha Elridge

"I really think that lunch is a very important part of a student's day. As a Senior, it gives me the time to relax after frying my brain on a test. It also gives me a chance to see some of my friends who aren't in any of my classes."
- Antonio Blair

"Everyone has always said that your senior year is really expensive, but you don't realize it until you're here. I never imagined it would be this bad."
- Shauna Davis

"Yeah, I'm proud to be a senior...I've awaited four long years for this and, believe me, it was worth it!"
- Cindy Armstrong

"I've had senioritis since freshman year. The closer I get to graduation, the worse it gets."
- Tiffany Hodges

"I think being a senior is more than senior privileges and going to lunch early. It's about getting to the parking lot first!"
- Anna Randazzo

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My comments about HHS '97!

Ah! HHS 1997... This was one great year! As a member of the Class of 1997 here at HHS, I can really appreciate everything that had happened. In my Senior Year, I really made a lot of friends. The Seniors were very happy to be seniors and some from our class where very concerned with getting white gowns for graduation for the Honor Students. It didn't happen...

I could state a lot about my Senior Year, but I don't think you want to read a book on it. ;-) I want to thank Senora Rizzo for everything that she did for me and for being a great Homeroom and Spanish Teacher. She was never just a teacher. She was my friend that I always want to be in communication with. I also want to thank DeSean Lewis! He had helped me in keeping the humor up in some tight spots! Thanks to Kharis Rojas for his humor and the reminder that we were both in the IB Program even though a teacher in the past didn't think we could! Thanks to Shannon Giel, Rhiannon Serovey, Megan Johnston, Shawn Goff, Stephanie Deese, and Shannon Kelly for helping to make my Senior year very interesting. I learned a lot from them. I want to also thank my parents for what they have done...

The Crazy Senior (me) enjoyed his last year at HHS. Many things occured which were obstacles to the class, but we jumped the hurdles and are now proud to say that HHS is our ol' Big Red! Oh, I started a tradition... There is now a tradition of someone picking up the name "Crazy" Sophomore, Junior, and then Senior!

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Key to Notes

* = Graduating with a 3.0 or better GPA
+ = Graduating with a 4.0 or better GPA
n = Graduating as a National Honor Society Member
@ = Graduating as an IB Student

The Hillsborough High's Graduated Class of 1997 are:

Rachel Lynn Abernathy + n @
Angela Dawn Aguilar
Temitayo Temitope Akinrefon + n @
Pradel Alexandre
Erica Lashone Allen + n @
Damian Alpizar *
Sarina Latrina Alston + n @
Anissa Amenda + n
Aline Faith Amper + n
Jennifer Anders + n @
Christine Parke Anderson + n @
Octavius Rodriguez Andrews
Raya Nasim Arabestani + n @
April Ann Archambault * n
Cynthia Marie Armstrong * n
Shannon Marie Arnold
Kendrick Trevell Atwood
Kai Erik Axelsen *
Rashondra J net Bain + n @
Amanda Kathryn Baker
Angie Lynette Baldwin + n @
Olivia Bello
Ebony Yvette Bennett * n
Scarlet Darlene Bent *
Shanakia Ytwanna Benton
L. Michael Bermudez
Michelle Roberta Black *
Antonio Fredrick Blair
John Keith Blanco Jr.
Christina Marie Blanton * n
Christen Kevin Blosfield *
Voletta Marmekka Bogan + n @
Melissa Stephanie Bokor * n @
Earnese Marie Bolden
Shanika Laciyia Bolden
Marcus Daniel Bolden
Melissa Clara Bowe
Tiffany M. Bowen
Jamillah Shanta Boykins
Maribel Bracero
Jennifer Yvonne Bradd *
Carmen Nickcole Brantley
Jeremy David Brantley *
Jamaar Derance Braswell
Dennis Andrew Brathwaite
Terrence Antonio Brathwaite
Kristopher Paul Bridgemon
John Darryl Broadnax
Wilda Shondale Brooks
Dana Marie Brown + n @
Maurice Levar
Thomas Lee Brown
Shaun Rugged Bruce
Rafael Manuel Burgos
Narada Cedric Emuory Burton
LaShawn Marie Butler
Cesar Augusto Cadenas Jr.
Maria del Carmen Camacho-Sandoval *
Shushana Simone Campbell * n
Karina Canot
Dawn Elizabeth Carmichael
Hector Luis Caro Jr.
Brandon Lamarr Carpenter
LaKeisha Bousche Carson *
Dana Kristen Caruso * n
Stephan Michael Cecil
Aleous Marshall Chambers
Stephanie Alexandra Chaney + n
Felecia R. Chapman
Antione Dusai Clark
Kimberly Lorraine Clark *
Tonya Monique Cole * n
Jacqueline Noel Collins + n @
Steven Christopher Collova + n
Tomekia Takhan Corbett
Esteban De Jesus Corrales + n
Kenier Correa
Marshall Everett Cosby III
Albert Arcesio Coton
Monique D. Coy
Jennifer A. Crosby
Matthew Lyn Crosby + n @
Tanya Lindsay Cruz + n
Gregory Lawrence Currington Jr.
Sandra Sharon Daley *
Carlos Antonio Daniels
Jason Anthony Daniels + n @
Marlena Davila
Richard Anthony Davila
Shauna Kristina David
Yavaris Jerome Davis
Yoanka Caridad de la Osa
Jaharra R. Decosta
Stephanie Michal DeHart *
Steven Matthew Delach + n @
Leila Khalilah DeLaughter + n @
Delynda Jean Dennis
Christopher Clayton DeNome + n @
Jennifer Lynn Derosa + n @
Jose Eluid Diaz
Robert Joseph Dietz + n @
Clairveau DiVeullaume
Amy Jeanette Dobbins + n @
Aprille Danielle Doss *
Shaunna Adell Douglas
Benjamin Robert Drawdy + n
Robyn Drayne + n @
Andrew Keith Dupr‚
Matthew Samual Durham
Terrance Olin Eady
Jeremy O'Niel Earle + n
Andrew Jefferson Edwards + n
Douglas Jogn Edwards + n @
Tavius R. Edwards
Brandon Jon Mathhew Eleff + n @
Mandi Lynn Ellingwood + n @
Crystal Charisse Ellis
Luke Simmons Ellis + n @
Lateshia Nicole Elridge
Christopher Reed Evans
Shirmeka Andrea Everett
Megan Denise Farra
Alexander Ion Fernandez
Flosshilda Virginia Cristiana Ferrer Concepci¢n * n
Michael Eugene Fitzgerald
Cicely Rena Floyd
Brian James Forbes
Ingrid Marke‚ Former *
Christopher Robert Foster * n
Ismael Franco
Cassandra Tashunda Franklin + n
Roland James Fridell
Leslie Ann Friedel * n
Taryl Jeanette Fultz + n @
Terri Jana Futch
Stevie Shango Gadsden
Monica L. Garcia + n @
Isidro Rhadames Garden
Craig T. Garris
Corando Macho Garris III
Anil R. Gary
Jeremy Uyecio Gaw + n @
Heather Dawn George *
David M. Germino *
Danielle Maria Ghahremani *
Christa Marie Giamporcaro + n @
LeAndrew Gilbert II
Megan Patricia Gilbertson + n @
Nena Cermone Gillyard
Jason Neal Gist
Chandler Levar Glover
Ninya Starr Glover
Brandy Lynn Goforth
Jessica Gonzalez *
Vanessa B. Gonzalez
Nicole LaTonya Gordan *
Tiffiny Nicole Gordon + n @
Basmajian Vualilamar Grant
George Edward Grause
Varsha Ren‚e Gray
Richie Carlose Grayes
Cuthbert Griffith
Antonio Karico Grooms
Tiffany June Grubb
Darleen Guagliardo
Sharleen Guagliardo
LaTosha Yvette Gullette
William Michael Guyster + n @
Christopher Michael Hagin
Carl Ulysses Hagins
Jessica Erin Hall + n @
LaTanya Jenel Hall
Rodney Leon Hammond
David Jefferson Hamrick + n @
Melissa Aimee Harding + n @
Remecia E. Hardy
Amard Rashad Harris
Melissa Ann Harris * n
Sophia Yvonne Anna Marie Harrison
Kevin Kaveh Hassani + n @
Paul Joeseph Hawks
Jennifer Marie Hayes
Alex Haynes III
Shari Rachel Haslett + n @
Andrew Ray Jr. Henderson
Sndra Dee Hendricks
Jessica Laine Hendrix + n
Sarah Elizabeth Hennessey + n @
Raquel Del Carmen Hernandez
Rosalina Hernandez
Christi Greer Hicks + n @
Jimeka Anrette Hicks
Leukenia Shikietha Hicks
Huy Phuc Ho * n
Latoya Linda Hodge * n
Tiffany Ann Hodges *
Donald Stuart Hoelle + n @
Jesus A. Holland
Elizabeth A. Hordge + n @
Calvin E. Hordge
Carey Alexander Hubbert
Keynodo Sherown Hudson
Tiffany Denise Hughes
Jon Marvin Hunter Jr.
Amanda Vivian Infinger *
Aja Quinn Ishmael + n
Jeramie Coswell Jackson
Debra Denise Jacobs
Regina Jenkins
Yoeli Jimenez
Amanda Dalene Johnson
Brandi Nicole-Yvette Johnson + n
Cleora Bernetta Johnson
Earl Eugene Johnson II * n
Leola Marie Johnson
Oglenn A. Johnson
Samantha Dawn Johnson
Tiffany Lorraine Johnson
Anton A. Jones
Brayon Lee Jones Jr.
Charlie C. Jones
Jennifer Rene‚ Jones * n
Kevin L. Jones
Kristi Bree Jones
Tamara A. Jordan * n
Jori Lynn Kehoe * n
Jacqueline Suzanne Kelly + n @
Shannan Deeh Kelly + n @
Frank Eugene Kemp Jr.
Michael Harry Kerr Jr.
Jini Sumi Kim + n @
Maurice DeVon Kindred
Alta Jean King
Antionio Lynn King
Kimberly Brooke King + n @
Benjamin Thomas Kinsman
Jessica Anne Kleinbaum * n
Amy Loccaine Knight * n
Jennifer Rebecca Krayer
Nathaniel Wayne Krull
Nicholas Ryan Kuczynski * n
Shialing Kwa + n @
Gwendolyn A. V. Lancaster Jr.
Jaziel Borras Lara
Michael Philip Lau + n @
Kimberly Latrell Leak
Evelyn Lebron
Michael Lawrence Ledford + n @
Elizabeth Eunhyun Lee + n @
Shannon Nicole Lee + n
DeSean Aaron Lewis + n @
Joseph K. Lewis
Peggy Ting Lim + n @
Maria De Los Angeles Lleras
Hannah Afi-Binta Lloyd
LaTanya Ann Lloyd
Sheree Maria Long
John Preston Longmire IV + n @
Amanda Belle Lopes
Felicia Anne Love + n
Jason Alan Lowe
Neil Lua + n @
Kristen Leigh Ludwig
Idania Lissette Lugo
Jermaine Allen Mack
LaViae Taunshae Mack + n @
Kareta Keyon Mackson
Brian David Maddux + n @
Kimberly Ann Magee * n
Chantal St. Claire Manderson
Samantha Leigh Margolis + n @
Andrew Anthony Mark + n
Joshua Cooper Marks + n @
Rachel Tovah Marks + n @
Maurice Lemont Martin
Megan Darby Mart¡nez
Adam Rian Matheny
Arteta James Mathis
Kenneth G. Matthews
Daniel Charles Mauch
Blair Lenise Maxwell
Marlon Klayion Delvar Maylor
Samantha Marie McAleavey
Christopher Earl McCoy + n @
Paul Andrew McDermott + n @
Quaneshala Treniece McFarlane + n
LaToya Aleta McFields + n
James Littleton McInnis
Remer Randall McIntyre Jr.
Elliott Thomas McLane
Lakeshia Temika McMillian *
Tamara Kenisha McNeely
Jessie Jerome McNiel
Sandy Michelle Meono
Andre J. Meszaros
Melissa Ann Miller *
Stacy Marie Miller + n @
Anita Jean Minns + n
Kenric Deron Montgomery
Cynara Ann Moore
Tomeka Nicole Moore
Janiella Juanita Morales
Dorrian Patricia Morgan *
Sheree Ellen Morgan
Aaron Franklin Morris + n @
Doniel Antonio Morris
James Nathan Morton
Chad Lee Mosher
John Angelo Muley + n @
Peter Muraszewshi Jr.
Kerri Lynn Murdock
Jessie Caroline Murray + n @
Jeanelle Murrieta
Deluan D. Myles
Nicholas Oliver Naas + n @
Neiomi Narine
Benigno Saul Nazario *
Daniel Bertrand Neill + n @
Binh Thanh Nguyen + n @
Wade Aaron Niles
Jennifer Anne Noble + n @
Erin Christina Noland
Erin Kathleen O'Conner + n
Olufolake Adewumi Oguntebi + n @
Gabriel Olivera *
Jos‚ Ishmael Olivera Jr.
Zylia Ortiz + n
Katrina Marie Otero
Mary Elizabeth Overstreet
Timothy Ely Overstreet
Lourdes Oztolaza + n @
Elvin Ruben Pagan
Trizenia Pagan
Juan-Pablo Parra * n
Deval U. Patel + n @
Keval Umesh Patel + n @
Pratik Prakash Patel * n
Colleen Ann Paterson
Yeimy Jhiam Perz
David Justin Perrone
Thanh Tan Pham + n
Anh Hoang Phan
Trenika LeShawn Philyor + n
Anwar Latif Pilcher
Tniqueka Tya Pinkney *
Juanita Chris Poirier + n
David Ponder IV *
Beverly Denise Pope *
Brian A. Pope
Rashime Raston Powell
Oliver Lee Presser *
Carey Dylan Price * n
Adam Jeffery Pross + n @
Madeline C. Qui¤ones
Anna Maria Randazzo *
Jaisen Jacob Randolph
Shawnteye Makesta Reddick * n
Abdullah Kareem Reed
Shane E. Rehberg + n @
Eric Scott Rehmeyer + n @
Michael Antonio Reid
Frederick Charles Reitberger + n @
Jason Lee Render
Andr‚s Omar Reyes n
Kenneth David Reyes + n @
Frank Jason Rhoden + n @
Barbara Ann Rhodes *
Nydia M. Rivera
Anton Vashaun Roberts
Lynn Janelle Roberts
Shavonne K. Roberts
Dehavalyn Wynette Robinson
Ryan Isiah Robinson
Timothy Alan Roda + n @
Angel Antonio Rodriguez
Deborah Elizabeth Rodriguez
Jamie Lee Rodriguez + n @
Kathryn A. Rodriguez + n @
Kharis Rojas Montenegro + n @
Kristine T. Rolfes + n @
Evelyn Yvonne Roman
Jason Anthony Romano *
Sophia Ann-Marie Roofe
Carmen Maria Rosado
Donald Wesley Roseboro
Donald George Rossiter
Adam Chad Rowe
Elizabeth Dawn Rubottom
Phillip Eugene Ruiz
Bobby Lee Russ + n @
Jessica Lynn Russell
Andrea Christina Saavedra + n @
Carline Saint Louis
Tenekia Wyshea Sandlin
Elizabeth Santiago
Evelyn Santiago
Katherine Elaine Sapp
Kenneth Paul Sapp
Anthony Joseph Sardinas
Jacob Henry Schaffhauser II + n @
Jessica Iesha Schiele
Bradley Anderson Schuh *
Joseph A. Schumacher
Matthew Alan Scott + n @
Esaw Scruggs Jr.
Myrna Ivelis Serrano + n @
Carleton Brooks Shephard + n @
Vanessa Lynn Sheppard * n
Kevin S. Shibley + n @
Marisa Suzanne Sikes + n @
K Shant  Rhasheed Simmons * n
Meagan Elizabeth Simmons + n @
Natalie LaShawn Simmons
Quartures Paul Simmons
Latrice Deborah Sims
James Thomas Sisson
Alisha Ann Smith + n @
Kristen Patricia Smith *
Stacey LaShawn Smith
Lorrie Ann Snell
Michael Deangelo Soria + n @
Harold Sossa
Samie Lee Spires
Christopher Scott Spivey
Kevin Donnell Starling
Kristian Alexander Steeler + n @
Crystal Marie Stephey
Eric Dean Stockton
David Jesus Suarez *
Lawanda Nicole Tention
Tanya Michelle Texidor + n
Yen Bich Thai + n
John M. Thomas
Litasha Marie Thomas
Sheonda Veronica Thomas
LaKaishia Mabriel Tim
Kevin Jason Timothy
Angel Manuel Tirado Jr.
Tara Leigh Tittel
Thomas Edward Todd Jr. + n @
Tu Duyen Thi Tran + n
Yohannes Debele Tulu
Naciye Turan + n @
Jennifer Marie Turner + n @
Mathhew J. Tyler + n
Rena Jade Upshaw + n
Monica Latesha Vann
Eric Paul Vasquez
Sylvia Velez
Trevor Shon Vierra *
Mariela Vanessa Villafuerte
Anh Hung Vu
Janthan Mark Ward + n
Shane Weslee Ward + n
Erika Chantele Ware + n @
Laura Bethene Watson
Antwan Allen Wells
Aimee L. Weston
Willie L. White
Anthony Ren‚ Whitehead
Katora M. Whitfield
Jeffrey Scott Whitmore
Tomika Retasha Wilcox
Chelena Marie Williams
Danielle Nicole Williams
Eugenia Renee Williams
Lapolia Williams
Mauricio Gerome Williams
Natalia Vontiada Williams
Nicholas A. Williams
Nicole Audrey Williams + n @
Qujuania Demetria Williams
Sara Ruth Williams + n @
Stephanie Necole Williams
Derrick Emmanuel Wills
Jessica Lauren Wilson + n
Sterling Raashad Wingo *
Kelly Marie Winter + n
Natasha Snowden Wolfe + n @
Durandy Antwain Wooden
Gary G. Yancey
Miguel Angel Ynoa
Jessica L. Yorko + n @
Felicia Yvette Young
Jerrell R. Young
Jatzen Felicia Zeled¢n

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The International Baccluareate Association would like to congratulate the efforts of all of the candidates! Congratulations!!