The Requests



Dear Santa,

I would like a JD fic, please. While I'll leave most of the details up to you, I will request a few things. I would like to see Buck and JD trapped in the cold -- snow if you think it's believable -- on their way back to Four Corners after running some errand for Chris. On their way out of town (Eagle Bend?), JD was tending to a strange horse he took compassion on and got booted in the gut for his trouble. He and Buck laugh about the incident and down play it, but JD's really sore. When they realize the weather has turned nasty on them and JD's injury is making it difficult for him to continue, they look for a place to stop. They can find whatever you can think of -- abandoned mine, cave, shack -- and hole up, waiting for things to clear off enough and JD to feel strong enough to continue. There's no internal bleeding or anything serious, just torn muscle, some deep bruising. They'd have a nice bonding conversation and nearly drift to sleep, dangerously close to hypothermia, just as Chris and Co. find them. The End. I love smarm and I love hurt/comfort, so take it as far as you'd like. Anything you think of to add and surprise me with will be most welcome.



For Christmas, I would like a story set at Christmas. Magnificent 7 (can be OW or ATF) -- The Seven are away from home and have to celebrate the holiday isolated from everyone else. They are together, though. They could be in a cabin, snowbound, or at some little ghosttown and can't make it home for gifts or church or whatever. How do they celebrate? Wouldn't mind a little JD angst (sick, sad, hurt). Could be a couple try to make it to the road, but have to turn around and come back. No way to get home. You can do whatever you want with the story. It could be a nice cabin scene with a fire and warm fuzzies, or they could all almost kill each other because they have cabin fever, but when Christmas rolls around, they realize what really matters.



I won't limit the fandom, but what I'd like to see is one character (preferably the JD/Blair/Archie/Daniel/etc. character) thinking that the other character is dead. Naturally, the other one won't be, but there could be some lovely angst before character 1 finds that out, and hopefully a nice reunion. A Christmas setting would be nice, but only if it works with the rest of the story.



I'd like to see a Mag7 story with JD, Buck and Inez (not too much focus on Inez though), h/c and smarm (sweet but not too heavy). Maybe have some bad guys try and hold up the saloon or one of Don Pablo's men come back and JD's the only one there and he tries to be the hero and protect Inez. Of course he'll get the crud kicked out of him in the process, but the scuffle attracts enough attention that the bad guys can't escape and have to hold up in the saloon (or they might get away but have to seek cover elsewhere with their hostages). I'd love JD hurt, yet still trying to defend Inez and maybe she has to step in between JD and the bad guys to keep them from killing him. Buck needs to come in eventually, how and when I'll leave up to the writer. This is just an outlined suggestion, you're free to handle it any way you want, as long as Buck is in angst and poor JD suffers and gets comforted (by both Buck and Inez would be good, maybe even have a few tender moments, no real romance though, while taking care of the kid).


Sarah B.

Hm, I've been thinking the 'Christmas exchange' idea over, and I have a few story suggestions, things I'd like to see. Ponder these:

#1. I would be very interested in seeing Archie's first Christmas after he is reunited with his friends on the Indefatigable, after his release from the Spanish prison. Archie seems to need people very much and I imagine that his long stretch alone in prison was awful on him - especially the month in the oubliette, for various reasons! Therefore, I think that his first Christmas back among Horatio and the others would be especially poignant. This fic wouldn't be very long, and might even be a simple scene between Horatio and Archie containing whatever the author thinks needs to be said.

#2. I heard this on the radio and thought it would make a great little Christmas fic for any fandom: It's been said that some childhood memories are so ingrained in us that a simple aroma, or sound, or sight can bring forth a dearly held and perhaps long-forgotten memory from the past.

So here's the idea: you pick the fandom and the characters, and write a story in which one of them experiences something - a sight, sound, taste, touch or scent - that brings some dear (or not so dear!) childhood memory flooding back. The characters o' your choice then deal with that memory. Have fun!

#3. This is purely selfish, since Archie hurt/comfort is very scarce in the HH fandom. There's a very good reason for this - Archie's been through quite a bit already, thank you very much! - but still some excellent stories have been written where the Crumpet HAS gotten a few boo-boos, so I'm comfortably certain that I won't be ostrasized or thought less of if I just ask for one li'l ol' fic where he's got some kind of owie to deal with. I won't be any more specific than that, so you can do what you want - and there's lots of things that can happen on a ship! Or it can be ashore. Whatever! If any of you out there have ever wanted to write something where Archie got the cr@p kicked out of him, here's your opportunity! And you don't have to feel one bit guilty about it. :-)



I'd like to see a story in either ATF or OW where JD has been hurt in some way, leaving him so confused/frightened/disoriented that he's unwilling or unable to accept help from his friends. JD suffers hurt and angst and the others - especially Buck - must worry and comfort accordingly .


Sue B.

I guess an Ezra story concerning Christmas memories with his father would be great-just something kinda warm' n' sad'n' fuzzy, but with enough of a happy ending so as to not depress everybody!! :) Nothing too long or involved, either, it could be very short.



Well, I don't have any huge requests. A Vin fic where he doesn't end up getting beat to a pulp or half=frozen might be nice :) Even if it's just a quick vignette.


Sue N.

I think I'd like a nice Chris-Vin one. It can be an h/c, or just a nice friendship story, doesn't really matter. I'd just like to see a nice character piece about my two guys.



#2. (one of Sarah B's ideas) I heard this on the radio and thought it would make a great little Christmas fic for any fandom:

It's been said that some childhood memories are so ingrained in us that a simple aroma, or sound, or sight can bring forth a dearly held and perhaps long-forgotten memory from the past.

So here's the idea: you pick the fandom and the characters, and write a story in which one of them experiences something - a sight, sound, taste, touch or scent - that brings some dear (or not so dear!) childhood memory flooding back. The characters o' your choice then deal with that memory. Have fun!

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