Standard Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this fic are the property of their respective creators. Please don't sue me, I have no money. Why Do Anime Characters Have Such Big Eyes? A Fanfic By Valandar the Red All universes exist, side by side, yet infinitely far apart. There is a boundless energy field that holds them apart, though it is often breached, most often by Fanfic Authors. However, in one area near the center of this field, if anything boundless can be said to have a center, is a massive building. This building, called the Foundation for Interdimensional Studies and Research, is an imposing structure, where the inhabitants of numerous dimensions go during a respite between adventures. Currently, a large crowd is milling around outside one of the Foundation's auditoriums. If one were familiar with the so-called literature of the Earth dimension, one would then realize that fiction, isn't. Fiction is actually an author getting a psychic glimpse of one of these other worlds. Here, we see Elric of Melnibone smoking a cigarette with the Ogre Slayer, and Ranma Saotome sparring with Colonel Guile. In short, many of the characters from fiction, manga, anime, and video games are awaiting the next lecture. Eventually, a bell sounds, and the crowd files into the stadium seating. A slide screen is sitting next to the podium onstage, and the most respected scientist in two hundred dimensions is waiting, with her assistant. "Welcome," said Professor Mihoshi, "to our dissertation on why individuals from the dimensions tagged as 'Manga', 'Anime', or both have such large eyes, in comparison to those from other dimensions. Washu, my assistant, will run the slides." The first slide was of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, and Beast, from the Marvel Universe. "Examine these subjects. Notice that their eyes are in the proportions for nearly every other universe. Please ignore the red glow from the eyes of the man on the right." The next slide was of the Tenchi Muyo crew. It was also upside down. "WASHU !!" growled Professor Mihoshi. "Sory, I just don't understand this thing!" came the plaintive response. ">sigh< Well, anyway, observe the size of the eyes here. Notice that they are considerably larger than those of the previous subjects." Mihoshi placed her glasses on her nose. "Before I begin my exposition, does anyone have a personal theory as to why ?" A short, cute girl, of one of the Manga/Anime dimensions stood up. "Because it makes us so KAWAII ???" She blinked once, then twice. Professor Mihoshi blinked once, then twice, then put her face in her hands, ignoring the facefault that afflicted half the audience. "Well, anyway, here is my theory." The next slide was one of Earth, as seen from space. "Shortly after the appearance of primeval Man on these various worlds, a gravitational anamoly afflicted them. They began to draw in massive amounts of space dust, creating an intense cloud cover, enough to rival that of Venus. It also pulled the plantet closer to the Sun, compensating for the loss of heat such an opaque ionosphere would create. This had two effects upon the people. "First, their eyes grew larger, to accomodate an increased number of light-sensitive cells in their retinas. Second, due to the increased gravitational pull of Earth, it caused an increase both in reaction speed,and physical strength, in the nascent human race." "Excuse me, Professor Mihoshi," interrupted Frodo, of the Lord of the Rings Dimension. "Yes, Professor Frodo ?" "I can see how an increase in the gravity of Earth would increase strength, but how would it increase reaction speed ?" "Good question," replied Mihoshi. "With an increased pull of gravity, the time a normal huan being would take to fall down would be reduced. In order to catch themselves before they hit face first, higher reaction speeds would naturally evolve. "To continue, at some time after the first appearance of Cro-Magnon man, this anamoly dissipated. With fewer light-sensitive cells needed for normal vision, those cells grew fewer. However, the actual size of the eyes did not change, as that size had come to be recognized as attractive by early man. As well, most of the increased strength and speed was lost, although some genetic potential was retained. We need only look at the exploits of Ranma Saotome and Ryoga Hibiki to observe this in action." The crowd was murmoring furiously at this point, trading opinions and possible other effects of this 'gravitational anamoly', when a brilliant white light filled the auditorium. The crowd grew silent, and stared in awe at the form stepping out of the light. It was a relatively petite Japanese woman, obviously not of a 'Manga' or 'Anime' dimension, with glasses, and an infectious smile. "Wh...who are you ?" asked a dumbstruck Professor Mihoshi. The woman bowed slightly, but politely. "Hello, I am Rumiko Takahashi." Nearly half the crowd, mostly from Nerima, as well as inhabitants of Maison Ikkoku, and various other individuals, immediately kowtowed at this pronouncement. Looking around, she spoke again. "I am sorry, Professor, but you are wrong. As one of the true Creators, I know the real reason why the people of Manga and Anime have such large eyes." "Oh, please, tell us, why ?" The author looked around, and took a deep breath. The audience held theirs, even the ones kowtowing. "Because it makes you so KAWAII!!!" Mass facefault.