Standard Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this fic are the property of their respective creators. Please don't sue me, I have no money. Desert Moon A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction By Valandar the Red Chapter Four Cold War Khu Lon paced around her tiny hut. Preparations had already been made for the potential attack, but she knew that they would not stand for long against an overwhelming force with advanced technology. Yes, their best archers could get off forty-five arrows in half a minute...but machineguns could fire at nearly ten times that rate, and would go through their armor like it wasn't there. The Splitting Cat Hairs technique was useless against Infrared optics systems, and most of the rest of their techniques required them to get too close for comfort. Only a rare few amazons had the total mastery of their chi to project it, as her old students Ranma and Ryouga did, and it was an emotionally draining thing to do, in the first place. If they brought tanks... they were done for. Right now, their only hope seemed to be Xian Pu and Mu- Tsu, and the possibility that they brought their friends with them. That group represented the greatest martial artists alive, as she had begun to enter her own decline. If relations with the Musk and Phoenix Mountain were not so strained, to put it mildly, she could call on them. But, no, they had been enemies for far too long to ever ally against even outsiders. Shen Kuei had taken a group of those miners with the Breaking Point technique out to hunt down other possible intruders, and had found the team spying on Phoenix mountain. These put up no more fight than the others, and were...dealt with. Khu Lon strongly suspected that another team of two were spying this very minute on the Musk. However, she also strongly suspected that they, two, had been found, and Prince Herb had dealt with them as harshly as he would have, had they been amazons. A young guard entered the High Matriarch's hut slowly, but the fact that she was out of breath showed she had been sprinting to get there. "Most worthy High Matriarch, Elder Xian Pu has been spotted with her husband, and four outsiders! They approach from the East!" Four? Ah, yes, she considered, the okonomiyaki chef. Yes, she, too, was a worthy warrior. She picked up her staff, and hopped out, the guard following closely behind. Dawn's first glow was shining behind the six forms, an appropriately dramatic gesture. She could make out Xian Pu's shapely silhouette, with tall and slender Mu-Tsu beside her. Next to him was a shape, just as tall, but far more stocky. Likely, that was Ryouga. The large squirt shape breaking up the outline of the one beside him had to be Ukyou, with her immense Battle Spatula, and the woman next to her had to be Akane. The final shadow, to the far right from her vantage point, could only be Ranma. Even from here, she could feel the auras of the six warriors, and it gave her hope for her village for the first time since Shen Kuei's report. "Welcome back, Elder Xian Pu, and Honored Mu-Tsu," she began in Japanese, for the sake of the visitors. "Saotome Ranma, Saotome Akane, Hibiki Ryouga, and... Kuonji Ukyou?" She nodded. "I haven't married." "Well, then. I want to start by welcoming Kuonji Ukyou and Saotome Akane to Jokusetsu. You have never been here before, though by now you know our ways better than any other outsider. Saotome Ranma and Hibiki Ryouga, it has been ten long years since you graced us with your presence. We welcome you back, but I would desire that it did not take dire times for our tribe to bring you." Khu Lon bowed slightly, a type of bow the Amazons would recognize as a teacher welcoming wayward students. Turning to face the rest of the village, she spoke out in a much stronger voice, and in Chinese, "Many of you know the ones known as Saotome Ranma, and Hibiki Ryouga. The same conditions that applied to them ten years ago still apply. In addition, Saotome Akane, Ranma's wife, and Kuonji Ukyou, their friend and ally, are to be treated as though they were, for a short time, amazons. That means that no kiss of death shall be afforded them for defeats in sparring, should we find the time for such. And no challenging Saotome Akane for the hand of her husband. He is was that defeated me not once, but five times. You would not succeed." "Well," she said, turning back to her visitors, "don't you have anything to say to an old woman who has asked for your help?" Ranma spoke up first. "Yeah, it's great to see you, old ghoul. OW!" Akane removed her elbow from Ranma's side. "Like Ranma bungled in saying, it's a pleasure to see you, Honored One. Especially since you aren't using one trick or another to take away my Ranchan." "Amen to that, Aka-chan," added Ukyou. Ryouga responded in Chinese. Of the four visitors, he was the only one who had mastered the difficult language. "High matriarch, it is an honor to once more be welcome in your village. May we crush our enemies together, so they may never rise again." Several amazons grunted their agreement, and Khu Lon glared at them. "Excellent, Ryouga. With your help, we shall do just that. We do not have time for a proper welcome, but we can at least prepare a hut for you to stay in. Come with me." Shampoo immediately fell into the role of an Elder, and took up a stately pace beside Khu Lon. Mousse flanked the ancient matriarch, and the rest followed her. The hut was large, and it was immediately obvious that the four were to stay in it together. There was space for their bags, as well as four pallets for them to sleep on. It was sparse, but they had not expected luxury in the village. Distant rumbles carried through into the hut. The martial artists snapped alert, and rushed out into the village. Even the keen eyes of Ukyou and Shampoo could make out no visible sign of the intruders, but the sound of gunfire was all they needed to start getting ready. "It appears that our village is not the first in the line of their advance," muttered Khu-Lon. "The Musk dwell n that direction." "Then what are we waiting for?" Ranma clenched both fists. "Let's go an attack them, while they're busy with the Musk." "No, warrior." Khu-Lon shrugged. "The Musk hate us as much as they would this new enemy. We would end up fighting two foes at once, weakening both of us. Let them deal with the enemy, as they will weaken the foe, and make it easier for us to eliminate them." "You always were a cold-hearted bitch, Cologne," spat Ranma. "Soul of Ice, Ranma. Remember the Soul of Ice." He started to protest, but the High Matriarch's words had their desired effect. He found himself achieving the state of utter calm that was the core of the Hiryuu Shoten Ha, and considered the matter at hand without the impediment of emotion. He knew that, tactically, this was the best way. "Maybe," he grumbled, "but I don't have to like it." "That is your prerogative." An Amazon scout ran up to the group. "High Matriarch Khu-Lon, elder Xian Pu, Honored Guests, Master Mu-Tsu, my sisters report that the enemy has only three large vehicles with the big guns, but a lot of small vehicles with the very fast guns." Ryouga thought briefly about what she was describing, and answered back, in Chinese, "Three tanks, and several jeeps or humvees with machineguns?" "It is likely," answered Shampoo. "They are not a national army, but a corporate one. They would have had to conceal the tanks to get them over here, as well as the machineguns, but the humvees could be easily brought over." "Heh, wish Nabiki was here," said Ranma in broken Chinese. "She call friend in Government, they come and kick much tail, we no have to kill nobody." "Ugh, now I see why my broken Japanese annoyed everyone," said Shampoo. "Sorry, Ranma. They have stated that the price for our near independence is that we must defend ourselves. No army troops will come to the rescue." While Ranma muttered in Japanese, the others listened to the sounds of battle. Soon, the sounds ended. In the distance, a great deal of smoke rose to the lonely sky, a brief memorial to a dynasty millennia old. "Scouts, to your positions! Warriors, take cover! Ranma, Ryouga, Ukyou, Akane, the four of you will come with me!" Khu Lon's staff was almost a blur as she pointed towards various teams of amazons, and shouted orders. Ryouga relayed Khu Lon's request to the others, and they followed her to the center of the village, just under the Challenge Log. Khu Lon tapped the ground below once, then twice. The sand below the log shifted, filtering through cracks in the earth that outlined a trap door. The five warriors crawled in the small space below, then an amazon quickly smoothed the sand over the now closed door. Soon, all the amazons were either hidden, or out of the village, secured away in one hiding place or another. Within half an hour, the growling of diesel engines, and the sound of spraying sand gave them the news that the enemy's humvees had arrived. They held to their hiding places, even when the high pitched whine of turbines advertised the coming of the tanks. They prepared to erupt from their hiding places the instant that the High matriarch gave the signal - but the time wasn't right, yet. A humvee pulled into the village several minutes after the last tank showed up. Words were passed back and forth in Japanese, too muffled for the warriors under the Challenge Log to decipher. Feeling her instincts, Khu Lon held her tongue a moment longer, then called out, "NOW!" Trap doors erupted out of the sand, pouring forth amazon warriors armed to the teeth. Ranma and Akane led Ryouga and Ukyou by barely half a step, as they plowed into the massed troops. Here, Akane surpassed all but Khu Lon and Ranma. Though not as skilled in one on one combat as seemingly half of the Nerima of her youth, the sweeping moves of the Kyokushinkai style of karate she began her study of the martial arts with was perfectly suited to dealing with large numbers of foes. As each fist took down four or five soldiers, she flashed back, briefly, to the first few weeks of her junior high school year, and her daily battles against the male half of the population at Furinkan. A pistol shot just half an inch away from her left ear snapped her back to reality. A cry of rage from her right immediately preceded a blue bolt of energy, launched from the hands of her loving husband. It impacted the man who shot at her, and knocked him backwards with such force that he rocked the humvee he impacted with. Amazons and soldiers were swirling around each other, as the more highly skilled woman-warriors easily began to outmaneuver their technological foes. In the wild, chaotic melee, the soldiers could not fire their weapons without having a dangerous chance of killing their own men, and the tanks could not even begin to draw a bead. Slowly, the numbers of the soldiers began to dwindle. Ryouga, seeing his chance, leapt on top of the lead tank, effortlessly avoiding the grasp of a large corporal in front of him. Wrenching at the top hatch, the shrieking of metal stress greeted his ears as it ripped off its hinges. The instant it was open far enough, he dropped inside. From the outside, the tank rocked from one side to another for less than ten seconds, then sat still. The whine of the turbine ceased, and it sat quietly. Then, a blast of green energy erupted out of the back, ripping through the lightly armored cooling vents, and the Lost Man, Hibiki Ryouga, hopped out, looking for another target. Ukyou found herself on the outskirts of the battle, reaching out with her battle spatula to clobber those soldiers that came too close. On two different occasions, she had been targeted by those few with a clear shot, but had managed to duck behind the huge steel blade of her weapon, and count the small, but deep, dents left behind. Angered at each attempt, she swept in, and heaved the foolish unfortunates skywards, then smack them like home run balls. Every now and then, she plucked out a throwing spatula, and chunked it at the helmet or weapon hand of an enemy sighting in with his weapon on one of her allies. The sudden impact would either make them drop the weapon, or have their shot spoiled. Khu Lon merely bounced around the battlefield, hitting a nerve spot here, and a pain cluster there. Soldiers dropped to the ground, writhing in agony, or simply let go of their weapons and folded to the ground asleep. Beside her stalked the purple haired panther that was Shampoo, lashing deadly arcs with her bonbori, and Mousse, hurling beweaponed chains, lashing out with hidden staves, or utilizing other, more bizarre weapons. But wherever the battle was raging the hardest, there would be Ranma. At one point, he found his footing uncertain, whereupon he noticed he was standing on the dead or unconscious forms of the enemy. Chestnut fist punches drove entire squads back, while more conventional attacks dealt with any others. Here and there, he would throw a chi blast with pinpoint accuracy, disabling a sniper, or destroying a crew-served weapon unable to get a clear line of fire, careful that he, himself, did not strike with enough force to truly kill. The battle did not last long. The enemy was tired from their encounter with the Musk, and the Amazons also numbered far more than their traditional rivals. Add to this these seven, nearly unstoppable warriors, and the plight of the Cabal's private army was clear. Two of the three tanks lay in smoking ruins, the victims of the power of Ryouga, while the third lay silent, its hatches open, and the crew resting on its bulkhead, wrapped in chains. Khu Lon approached the man who appeared to be in charge of this force. "Well, foreigner, your forces are defeated. You were no match for the Amazons of the Bayankala Valley." The turkey-faced Japanese man laughed. "Perhaps, you primitive. But this attack was just to keep you busy, even if you managed to keep us from subjugating you. By now, that decrepit Guide and his lovely daughter are in the hands of my superior." Ranma glared at him. "I don't believe you. If that was why you attacked, then why'd ya tell us that right off?" Shiro, the leader of the Cabal's military forces, laughed. "Because, _eta_, it is too late. My superior has likely already learned the location of the greatest spring of them all. "He has found, and bathed in, the Spring of Drowned God." Notes: Kyokushinkai was mentioned a couple of chapters ago. It is a style of karate that utilizes sweeping maneuvers, highly effective against multiple attackers, and teaches what is known in Japan as Tamishiwara, the Art of Breaking. Practitioners frequently practice the techniques Akane is shown using in the dojo to work off steam, such as breaking stacks of bricks. As for a little conflict a couple of comments about previous posts has generated: A .45 caliber pistol is a heavy round, and it travels at under the speed of sound. On the other hand, the .556 mm round used by the M16 is less than half the size of a .45 bullet, but with a much larger powder load, and travels at nearly mach 3. Thus, a .45 has a lot of kinetic impact, but lower overall penetration than the smaller, faster round. The smaller round, on the other hand, does not have the same amount of transfer of kinetic energy, and does not have the same knockdown potential of the pistol round. Yes, the shape and material of the round has a lot to do with penetration ability of various rounds, but the Healer was stating a generalization. As to why the .45 didn't do much to Shen Kuei, if his skin is tough enough to resist the flying, razor sharp fragments of stone generated by a Bakusai Tenketsu, it can likely withstand a hit from a .45, though it would bruise both flesh and bone. Anything faster, or heavier, would likely cause more severe injuries. Thank You, - Valandar the Red of the Empty Tankard