Sociology Department in Russia

Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Sociology Moscow State University
Faculty of Sociology Saint-Petersburg State Univer
The MSSES English pages The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
 Center for sociological researches (Opinio) Moscow State University
Journals & Organizations  Information System (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Sociology in Russia:  DDemos weblist. 

Social Economic data & indicators

Social Economic data & Indicators of Russia  My next step on the Internet

Russian Cities on the Web   Please take a moment to visit these sites! I like this picture very much.
Practical Science Database  Russia in figures. Region's Statistical Handbook.

National Electronic Library  Information System of National News Service.

RosBusinessConsulting   Russia's leading company in coverage of both International
         and Russia's currency, monetary and stock markets.

Russia on the Net: The original Russian Web Directory.

Euro-Asian Bank of Social Data  Joint Russian-Germany project.

NUPI - Centre for Russian Studies   Database. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI).

WWW-server  The Public Opinion Foundation The Public Opinion Foundation is nonprofit organization, founded in 1991 (Moscow, Russia). Please take a moment to visit these sites! There are lot of information there.

The Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research (VCIOM)  This is absolutely same style like in Goskomstat of Russia. There is not anything for public. If you would like to know something, you need to pay money.

FIMOP Home Page  No comment, but it is interesting.

NISPI Home Page  No comment, but it makes a sense.

SOCIONICS Home Page  No comment, but it is interesting.

The Gallup Organization  The Gallup Organization is one of the oldest and most respected polling firms in the USA.

RAND Rand is a nonprofit institution in the USA that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis.

Gender Studies in Agriculture  Agricultural Bibliographic Information System of the Netherlands. This system is maintained by the joint efforts of the Wageningen Agricultural University and the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries.

Center for Citizen Initiatives   There are many Profiles of CCI's Programs.

International Sociology

INTERNATIONAL  SOCIOLOGICAL  ASSOCIATION  The International Sociological Association (ISA), a non-profit association for scientific purposes. The ISA was founded in 1949 under the auspices of UNESCO.

International Visual Sociology Association  Site: University of Windsor, Canada.

International Rural Sociology Association  Formed in 1964, IRSA, is an international consortium of regional and continental societies in rural sociology.

European Society for Rural Sociology  European Society for Rural Sociology.             Société Européenne de Sociologie Rurale. Europäische Gesellschaft für Land-und Agrarsoziologie.

Society for Applied Sociology  The Society for Applied Sociology, founded in 1978, is an international organization for professionals involved in applying sociological knowledge in a wide variety of settin.

The SocioSite project The SocioSite is a project from the Department of Sociology at the
University of Amsterdam. It contains all the educational and research programs of the Sociological Department. But as you will see the SocioSite covers a lot more.

Sociology Departments in Europe  It is one of many web sites from the SocioSite project.

Sociology Related Sites Links to LOTS of sociology sites in the USA

Links to other pages that may interest sociologists  Sociology in UK

Sociology in Poland and other countries  This is a part of the official web site of Poland (Path: Society, Demography - sociology, Polish sociology) .