Site Information

---- The Author ----

The Author I am the author. My name is Barry Murphy. I am a cyclist for Thermo King Cycling Club, in Galway. To the right is a picture of me, taken last summer while I was riding for Connacht, one of the four Irish provinces, in England. I know most of you won't read this, but I'll write it anyway. Having seen loads of sites around the world on cycling, I was impressed with the standard of news reporting and results. However, I noticed that no site had a comprehensive Irish results service. Which is quite disappointing. So having talked to other cyclists about this, I decided to set up my own results and news site. Thanks to all visitors for visiting, and anyone who wishes to link to my page is more than welcome to do so. Remember, the URL is and if you want me to place a link to your site, just e-mail me at and put the word "link" in the subject. Please excuse the unusual address, it's a private joke. Thanks also go to for providing me with the free space to place this site and the annoyingly numerous pop-ups which we're all forced to endure.
For those of you with ICQ, my nick is RockHound, and my number is 24534251. If you want me, for any reason, just ICQ me. That's not to say I'll reply, or even get the message, seeings as how often it is down. Ah, well !!

---- The Help ----

To make this site, I used HTML learned mainly from Trial Versions of WYSIWYG HTML Editors. I want to also thank anyone who does place a link from their page to mine, particularly Seamus Shortall, and Piet Koster of Jako's Cycling Links. And for anyone who knows me, my Dad is not the one who supplies me with the insider info. I have my sources. ; ) You know who you are !!

Home, Sweet Home !!

©Copyright, Barry Murphy 1999.