Confessions of a Disney World Junkie!
      Some Disney World Special Effects Provided
   By Mother Nature!
         OK, I admit it. I'm a Disney World Junkie. I made
          my first trip to WDW in 1986 and I've been back
          there 13 times to enjoy the magic over and over.
          Although every trip has been special in it's own
   way, here are some of the more memorable
        moments from trips 1-4.
       Trip #1, 1986: Trying to see all and do all in 5
      days. Not a good idea as it leaves you with a
 sense of unreality and total exhaustion.
      Trip #2, 1990: Having absolutely no memory of
      Trip #1 due to extreme fatigue, this was like
           my first real trip there. Stayed on site this time
  in a Fort Wilderness trailer. MGM had just
     Trip #3, 1992: Stayed at Fort Wilderness again
 for the second and last time. We had some
        unexpected house guests of the creepy, crawly
       variety. I decided to stay in a regular hotel the
next time if I was going to be there in the
     summer. We had an armadillo that attempted
   to get into the trailer. Funny now but not so
  much then.
During this visit, I had the best of all my
        experiences at WDW. One night, while we were at EPCOT, a thunderstorm blew up. I was
     standing in front of the the musical fountain
    and the music started and the thunderstorm
           really got it's act together. Suddenly, it  began pouring! The lightning was flashing! The
 thunder was enormous! It was a sensory
   overload! I looked behind me to see how all
  the other people were enjoying this spectacle
  and there was no one there but me!! It was
   about as close as you can ever come at WDW
      to having the park all to yourself.
    Trip #4, 1994: This time we went to the Port
         Orleans Resort. Fabulous! They have   wonderfully themed pool. It looks like a
     dragon and there's a slide inside the dragon's
     head for the young and the young at heart,
    like myself, to play on.
      As you are probably figuring out by now, I'm
      also a weather fan... especially concerning
      thunderstorms. One day while I was back at
     the hotel we had a very active lightning
     producing storm come by. Along with 5 or 6
      other people, I was outside video taping the
       action. Through sheer luck, I had my camera
       pointed at just the right place, at just the right
       moment and got the picture you see here.
      Because of the wonderful Snappy program, I
      was able to make a photo out of this once in a
        life time event.