Ring of FoLCs

This webring was created on: April 21, 1997.

Welcome to the Ring of FoLCs across the net! This is a webring for FoLCs and nobody else!

If you're already a member and you want to edit your page go here.

Why don't you visit a random site.

Do you want to join this excellent ring? Then you will have to follow these easy steps:

1) First you will have to fill out the following form:

Site URL:
Site Title:
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Please put down the site URL that the ring HTML will be located at, perferably the page containing the Lois and Clark information.
Please Submit only once, if you're not sure that it worked, go to the "Queue" and check and make sure your site is in it.

2) Then you will need to copy the HTML to your page. It will look like this:

This Ring of FoLCs site is owned by

Want to join the Ring of FoLCs?
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You can get the HTML from the email that you will be getting. If you don't like this HTML, feel free to omit pictures, links, etc. My only requirement is that you have a link back here and a link to the next site in the ring.

If for some reason, it takes you more than five days to get the coding on your page, please e-mail me saying you've gotten it up.

3) Wait. After I am sure that you have the coding on your page, I will enter your site into the ring. This won't take that lon, normally not more than a day after your coding is up. If you are really anxious to get on, e-mail me here. If you've got the HTML on your page, but still haven't been added and you think you should, lecture me. You *will* get a letter via e-mail saying that you've been added to the ring.

I might not be able to add your site right away. Going to school and working takes me away from the computer at times. I will get on them as quickly as I can.

Useful Information: The Ring of FoLCs has its own id, like your site. The site id is the number given to you upon registration, the ring id is "folcs".

If you're already a member, you can edit your site information:

Site ID:

I go over all sites that wish to be entered into this ring thoroughly, if any of the sites contain adult material or are not relevent to the subject (Lois and Clark), they will not be allowed to enter. You can't become part of the ring until you put the HTML coding somewhere on your page.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions.

Member of The RingManagers
RingManagers Ring Homepage
Member: Ring of FoLCs
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E-Mail: kjt@tardis.svsu.edu
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