Calling the Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net,
Calling the Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net, This is ___________ Net Control station for _________ _____ 200, My name is __________, and I am located in ______________________________.

This is a Section Net, and is organized to handle traffic in times of emergency, and meets for drill on 3987 kHz at 6:30pm Mountain Standard Time Daily. The purpose for this net is the passing of formal written NTS traffic into and out of our coverage area, and to wherever third party traffic is allowed by law.

This is a directed net. Unless you have an emergency, or are checking back into the net with your suffix, please do not transmit unless directed by the Net Control Station. Visitors and late members are welcome to check in after roll call.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic?
Are there any Announcements for the net?
Are there any Liaison Stations to check in?

Is there any traffic from Southern Arizona?

Any traffic from Central Arizona?

Northern Arizona?

Is there traffic from anywhere else?

Assign traffic NOW, move stations off frequency to handle traffic unless conditions are poor, then handle traffic on the net frequency. If conditions are poor, assign a relay station to help you, and an alternate NCS.

Standby for roll call, this is ____________ Net Control Station for the Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net.

Call the roll of listed members and break now and then to find stations to handle the traffic.

Are there any late members or visitors that would like to check in from southern Arizona?

Central Arizona?

Northern Arizona?

Stations, wishing to check in from any area?

Is there any further business for the net before I close tonight’s session?

The Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net meets for drill on 3987 kHz at 6:30pm MST Daily. All Amateur stations are welcome to check in. This net is a member of the National Traffic System of the American Radio Relay League, maintaining liaison with the 12 region and other NTS nets. To become a net member and be placed on the roll call, contact Tomy, kf7gc. This is _________ closing the net at _______ MST. Thanks for all the check-ins and your help tonight, 73 and good evening to all.
