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Learn About Autism

Autism Society of America Homepage
A good explanation of autism
TEACCH - Autism Information (UNC-CH)
(Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communi- cation Handicapped CHildren)
Center for the Study of Autism
Autty's Autism Homepage
Autism Research in the United States
Autism Resources
Tons of links on autism
The Autism Link Page
General Autism Information, Institutions, Associations, Private Homepages, Listservers, Education and much more
Horizons, Inc. Autism Homepage
How to obtain autism publications, tapes, newsletter, conference information


Melissa    and    Cody


These are my two sweeties, Melissa and Cody. My son was diagnosed with autism, a severe developmental disability, when he was three years old. Living with a child with special needs effects every facet of one's life. Autism is very challenging. My son is 10 yo and the greatest challenge of my life. His sister, Melissa is 13 years old. She is a bright, fun, enthusiastic girl. Autism is a neurological disorder which causes significant delays and deficits in communication, socialization and behavior. Cody remains largely nonverbal. It is our hope that he will eventually be able to use an augmentative device to communicate and expand his world and allow others to better understand him.

It is my philosophy that with greater responsibilty also come greater rewards. My reward comes daily when my son shows how much he loves me even though he is nonverbal and has very little ability when it comes to the norms in communication. Cody attends a special class through B.O.C.E.S. (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) designed specifically to address the special needs of young children with autism. The TEACCH program is used to focus on teaching functional daily living activities as well as much needed socialization skills along with age appropriate academics. This is carried over at home to provide consistency and continuity. The children recieve physical and occupational therapy as well as intensive speech and language therapy. My son has come a long way.


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