The Kirkwood Haunting


gate4.jpg (11503 bytes) Peter Parker becomes involved in a bogus haunting when Jonah Jameson is informed by the wife of an old friend that her husband has returned from the other side. Peter is dispatched to meet Lisa Kirkwood, who claims that her husband Harvey, appears in the mansion and speaks to her, through spiritulist Eric Ganz.
Peter discovers that the whole thing is an elaborate hoax designed to get Lisa to sign over the fortune left by Harvey to psychic researcher Dr Polarsky. Spidey captures the gang and prevents the signing of the papers. stance.jpg (17336 bytes)
Air Date: 12/30/1978
Guest Stars: Marlyn Mason (Lisa Kirkwood), Peter MacLean (Dr Polarsky), Paul Carr (Ganz), Peggy McCay (Dr. Davis)
Writer: Michael Michaelian
Director: Don McDougall

Comments About this Episode

Spider-Man fights lions and bears in this one, but no tigers are in sight. Oh my! De-bunking physics was very big that year, as both the Incredible Hulk and Wonder Woman shows had the same plot.