Behind The Scenes

Road Rules: Behind the scenes:


        Are you getting a pretty good handle on the different personalities in this new cast? They're all kewl, aren't they? One little, tiny thing we didn't have time to show you was Piggy's problem with money. Seems it just keeps slipping through her fingers…
        You'll remember that the Roadies took a quick jump off a high cliff in order to earn money for their first few weeks on the road. And you'll remember that Piggy was rewarded with an additional $300 for leaping from the 45 foot cliff. That was gutsy. As the Roadies hiked away from the falls, heading for the beach, Piggy asked, "Who has the money?" Apparently, Shayne assured Piggy that he was carrying the cash. But later, when the Roadies counted up their earnings, three hundred dollars was missing. Piggy had left her $300 on the rocks back at the falls! That's a lot of money to anyone, but it could mean life or death to a tight-budgeted group like this.
        The Roadies started back for the cliffs, but before they reached the water, they ran into Art, the cliff diver who assisted the Roadies during the mission. Chad asked Art if he had noticed a few large bills laying around. Good old Art pulled the cash out of his pocket - thank God. Piggy, pay attention!


        Were those snakes frightening, or what?! Really disgusting. But there were other aspects of the reptile mission that were equally gruesome that we didn't have time to show you.
        You'll remember, Mark was the manager of the reptile park who escorted the Roadies through their mission. Early in the afternoon, Mark explained that each Roadhead would be required to endure a close-encounter with a deadly animal. This is in addition to the close-encounter with the snakes. There were two deadly choices: spider or frog. Now most of you would probably pick the frog, right? What could be so deadly about a frog? Well, it seems these frogs have a deadly venom, not unlike their buddies, the snakes. Suzie chose a frog mission, thinking it would be easy. She was required to carry the snake across the room, stand in front of a mirror, and KISS the animal. You've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet a prince. Don't believe it's true? To see it for yourself, download this week's clip.


        We know it's really disappointing to our viewers, but sometimes we have to drop a mission from our editing schedule. We just can't pack everything in to the allotted thirteen episodes. One such drop happened this week. We'll fill you in so you won't feel robbed...
        A few days after the fire-fighting mission, the Roadies took part in an Australian version of the dating game. It was called DATING DOWN UNDER. They were called on stage in front of a live studio audience where girls and guys were paraded in front of them and hilarious questions were asked. The twist was, the girls had to answer for the guys, and the guys had to answer for the girls. For instance...
        The host asked, 'Kefla, do you please women in bed?' Christina was chosen to answer for Kefla, and she confessed, 'I have trouble maintaining my erection, so I have to use some special juice.' Of course, the crowd thought it was hysterical. Little did they know that Kefla had confessed to using his 'maintain' cream just a few days previous to the game.
        In the end, Shayne and Susie won the game. The couple and their new Aussie dates were gifted with an evening cruise, complete with delicious dinner. Unfortunately, Susie's date, Wade, turned out to be an ex-convict drug addict who spent the entire evening rambling on about his drugcapades. Clean as a whistle Susie could only laugh at him. Just say no...


        We know you hate it when we cut missions, so we try never to do so. Sometimes we have to cut the reward segment that follows a successful mission. This week is a case in point...
        You watched the dueling Winnies. You watched Mr. Perfectionist Chad prepare a perfect meal and win the competition. And you saw that the losers had to clean the two mini-Winnies. But what you didn't see was the trip to Moreton island, where the Roadies were rewarded for competing like good sports. And just how were they rewarded? They were offered the opportunity to sand toboggan. This event is kind of like sledding down a snow-covered mountain, but you're wearing your shorts and there's no snow - in fact, it's summer! The sleds can really pick up speed, so you've got to hang on tight and keep your limbs inside.

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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