Meet    Party    Sireth

I've just adopted this little minidragon!
Here's his stats:

Owner's Name: Dragonspire
Dragon's Name: Party Sireth
Colour: Party
Gender: Male
Age: 3 cycles
Dam: Wild
Sire: Wild
Species: Minidragon
Origin: The Citadel Sands, Minidragon Isle
Mate: Rosy
Mate's Bond: Cody
Mate's URL: Rosy's Page
Children: None

I adopted Party Sireth after he had hatched so I've just made his home!
I want him to have fun with his abilities so,
I've brought in a few things for him:
A smily face ball (who can resist a smily face?),
A magical music note which plays only the best
party music only on Party Sireth's commands!
I also found some party ornaments and I have brought them
in so that they might inspire Party Sireth's own creations!

As a party minidragon,
Party Sireth has the ability to create all the necessary things
for a party then have them dissapear into thin air afterwards.
Perfect for a great party (I love a good dance party myself)
and a quick clean-up afterwards!
He can put on parties for himself and all my other minidragons!
It would be great practice for him!

Sireth's Mating Story

Rosy's bond had just opened a Night Club for
humans and Mini Dragons of all ages.
I saw a flyer posted around Fen and decided to
go and check it out so brought all my Mini Dragons.
Meanwhile, Rosy was hanging up decorations when
she sliped off the ladder she was
on and fell before she could fly.
Flying was never her strong point
and she had broken her leg.
Her bond's healer dragon Curtis did
the best he could to heal
her but it still hurt her when she walked.
Curtis is only a hatchling.
I went to the night club and had a blast.
Sireth saw Rosy in the corner, hiding herself because
she couldn't really dance. Sireth
entertained her by showing off his power.
They became friends and he kept
her company while she was hurt.
Her bond employed Sireth to decorate every night
and clean up after he closed.  A couple
days later her bond walked into the stock
room were he keep instruments and food to see 
Sireth kissing Rosy on one knee with
a ring on her left wing that wasn't 
there before. He had proposed and the
only thing her bond and I could do
was suport them so we filled out a Wedding Registry Form.


These are great little dragons!
I bonded Burgandy Party Sireth at