Meet    Gray    Smudge!

I've just adopted this little dragonling!
Here's her stats:

Owner's Name: Dragonspire
Dragon's Name: Gray Smudge
Colour: Gray
Gender: Female
Age: 3 cycles
Dam: Healer Wisper
Sire: Holiday Peace
Species: Minidragon
Origin: The Kalenik Sands, Minidragon Isle
Mate: None
Mate's Bond: None
Mate's URL: None
Children: None

Gray Smudge is now an adult but I am still keeping a close eye on her!
She grew up and now is as smart and well-trained as Gray Lace!
I wanted her to grow up safely and have fun,
while still being trained to use her abilities so,
I brought in a few things for her:
A flame pot to keep her cave warm,
A magical ball for her to play with (it turns into prey for her to hunt)!
I also found some gems in the shapes of pyramids and
because dragons like treasure, I've given them to her,
like I did with Gray Lace and Ferisyth!

As a gray-bodied minidragon,
Gray Smudge has the ability to create mists.
Although gray minidragons are most sought out by hunters and gatherers, I am neither.
I do, however, enjoy stalking and sneaking around,
so I helped Gray Smudge learn to use her abilites,
especially for her own use, as minidragons like eating small animals
(personally I'm vegetarian but if she isn't then I might as well
teach her to get her own food so I don't have to get it for her!)

These are great little dragons!
I bonded Gray Smudge at