My RevWar & Reenacting Links!

This page contains links to some cool sites that any history geek will find of interest. Some of them are other peoples' stuff, some of it's mine, related to my character and/or my family history.


If you want to become involved with living history, you're gonna need lots of period-correct accoutrements. I'm not connected, financially or in any other way, with any of these suttlers but they're where I get most of my stuff from, and these places have served my personal needs well. I'm satisfied and even happy with all of them.

James Townsend & Sons is simply the BEST catalog business of any kind I've ever discovered. A credit card order placed before noon one day via their 800 number (1-800-338-1665) usually arrives the next day...

Log Cabin Shop - These guys have been in the business for a long time. If you're in the northern Ohio area, you might want to stop in at their cool store in Lodi.

Dixie Gun Works - One of the oldest and best names in the business. You HAVE to order their catalog, it's huge! Be sure to check out their cannons!

Living History Events:

Simon Kenton Festival

Event Report - 1997 Simon Kenton Festival

Miscellaneous Links:

Mike Meals' Excellent RevWar page!

The American Revolution Online

Jon Hagee's Home Page - Jon was one of the organizers and gracious hosts of this year's Simon Kenton Festival, a most excellent event!

Some Interesting Stuff:

The Northwest Ordinance - July 13, 1787 - This document carries a lot of importance for my living history character, as it is largely responsible for the Indian Wars of the late 18th Century.

Sullivan's Report on the 1779 Campaign Against the Six Nations - An interesting document portraying an event in which at least one of my ancestors participated.

Ramrod Busters! My muzzleloading/reenacting club

Primitive Camp Pictures - Some pictures from a primitive encampment I recently had in the mountiains of Pennsylvania

This is neat, a language translator!

                   [Translate with Digital's Altavista (tm)]                                 
Input dialogue and automatically translate back and forth between English and French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, the six most prevalent European languages spoken on this continent during the Colonial period.

My Character:

The History of Kenton Donal Wallace (a work in progress) - This section is a story in development. It presently consists of several short vignettes which my character found interesting enough to write about in his journal. More to come, I'm sure...

The "Real Me"

Why I'm a History Geek

And, let's not forget about the organization that exists to protect our right to keep and bear arms, something of paramount importance to our Revolutionary forebears

NRA - The National Rifle Association

Here's a picture of me at the reenactment of the Battle of Fort Niagara, an event that takes place every Fourth of July. I'm the one on the left.

This page maintained by

Ken Whitehead.