Shout Out
The-Crippler's World Order ©Copyright TCWO 1998

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Wolfpac_Nash: When we first met, we didnt get a long cause of the chat war..But after we started talking we became friends, an We havent fought about anything since then...thanks.

Tom: Sup Tom!!, Havent seen you in awhile man, anyhow, We have always been friends, even when we both had different c-feds..Thanks old friend....

Wu!!: Whats up old friend?? Me an you have been friends for a long time man..It sucked when you left the net for about 3 months man..Ever need me man for anything, let me know.....

Blink1000: Sup Blink?? Dont seen you in the chat that much, only talk wit you through email now..But you hve been a cool freind to chat wit...ever need my help for anything let me know.

RO: RO!!! "ßLiNG" Sup man? You have always been cool wit, an you have a shit loads of friends in the chat man...Im gonna start calling you "The People's Choice" LoL..

ravenbwo: Man, you have been a great friend man, You are the only one that really knows my past, an problems I have dealt wit..Ever need me for anything, let me know....

The_Warrior: Sup War!..When we first met, we fought every day, but thats all in the past now man..Ever since we became friends, you have always watched my back...Thanks man

Page 4

My Shout Out Page

Here, you will see my shout outs to everyone I know from chat rooms, an emails...


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