Quill Pen Divider


Quill Pen Divider

Many of the songs you will find here are by Willow Firesong, and her husband BarleySinger.  They welcome you to share and distribute their work freely, as long as due credit is given, and no profit is made on their work without their consent.

For all other pieces on this site, please consult with the original author before copying or distributing.  Feel free to link to any page on this site in order to share the music on the page with others.

Thanks to Alexian and James Rolling Thunder, of "Amulet - A Pagan Choir" for sharing their music with us.

Thanks to Ellen Reed, editor and compiler of "Pagansong - Volume 1" for sharing her songs with us, and enticing others to do so as well.

Pagansong - Volume 1:  At last, the pagan song and chant book you've wanted. Over 200 songs and chants for sabbats, moons, and other rituals, as well as pieces you can use for magic, or for fun. More than fifty songs for various Gods and Goddesses, circle casting songs, songs for children.

If you have any pagan music you would like to share, please consider sending it to Willow Firesong for addition to this archive.  I am currently considering starting a mailing list for the purpose of sharing new music for addition to the archive - if you support this idea, please email me or sign up on the "Share Your Music" page on "The New Oral Tradition" section of this site.

This collection is a nonprofit labor of love.  All songs are to be shared freely, as long as no profit is made from the transaction.  Please do not profit from the work of others without sharing the fruits of their labors with them.

Free Animations and Graphics from Bells'N'Whistles
A Touch of Magick
Free Pagan Graphics from Lilith's Stuff

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© copyright March 24, 1998 - present
Last updated on January 20, 1999