And you thought we could do something about Judgement Day...

HNN caught this message by hacking into the prime military systems. We are not responsible in any way if you are attacked by knowing of the following information. You have been warned...

I'm relaying this to you as it arrives over email,

US ARMY guys who keep burning everythin...

To the members of the Ayenee branch of the US Army, our attention has been brought to you as per request of John Maxson and other US military leaders. The president regrets he can not address you personally, but operation desert eagle is still under way and hostility from Russia is very distracting.

Sergeant John Maxson has asked that we talk to you about your recent and seemingly pointless destruction of castles, taverns, and homes. We are unaware as to how many of you have been destroying these places, but one private in particular has been bringing attention to himself. He shall remain unnamed for his own safety, but he knows who he is. We ask that you stop with this pointless destruction and waste of munitions and artillery. If you destroy another tavern/castle/home randomly, it will result in your court-martial and incarceration by MPs. If you resist this incarceration, you will be executed by another military branch's leader. Please do not disgrace the US name any more than it already has been.
---William Johnson, Secretary of Defense


Does this mean that the people who live in Ayenee will be safe or protected? This is almost a double faux pas if you ask this reporter. If you think about it, who can we trust anymore? With the YPD disbanded and evil lurking from every corner, you can't live a safe life without being attacked. We still await to see what John Maxon of the USMC has to say about this whole ordeal and still await his answers to the defense of Ayenee's "impending doom". If you sit back and think about all the events that came before this, it leaves you with one question...Were we better off even with them? One thing is for sure that I don't know if I'll be able to trust them again.

Which brings up another interesting point, who will take their place? Today, we lose faith in our own country, where did all the patriots of Ayenee go? We are only left with questions, pity and most of all...fear...

-XFZ Steven Swain,
Reporter of HNN