OUTLAW BIKER GANG UPRISING "The Massacre At The Shopping Center Fountains" August 24th 2002, Members of the X-Riders M/C were helping SURGICAL STEEDS of Scottsdale (a premier custom bike manufacturer, frequently showcased in many leading motorcycle industry magazines -- X94HD001 is in their employ) to do a photo session of five bikes (no booze, no nude or bikini'd models, no loud music, no nothing...just bikes). Total time needed was around 30 minutes to photo the bikes and then get them back to the shop. We planned on using the breathtaking water fountains, migratory waterfowl pond and floral arrangments in the front of the Scottsdale Pavillions (Pima Indian Reservation business) shopping center along with our always majestic Pima tribal sunset lighting as the backdrop to the bikes. But alas, our plans were soon swiftly and decisively dashed upon the rocky road of life. Upon arriving and beginning our initial setup, Security scoped us out then later came by and said we needed prior written permission to take photos using their property. At the same time, the weekly Hot-Rod & Motorcycle show was in progress across the center's parking lot where I imagine photos are being taken by the general public. Every tourist there must have already secured their prior written authorization. We indicated that we would like to talk to the security supervisor to see if there was any way we could be allowed to continue as we didn't know permission was needed in advance. While this was going on our chase truck and a couple of the crew left to get supplies for the shoot. Well, security said no-go and to contact the shopping center business office to work out getting permission. Business cards were exchanged and we just stood around waiting for the truck to get back. I guess we weren't moving quick enough because soon more security vehicles came over then six tribal police squad cars arrived. Id's were requested and run through searching for prior warrants and histories of outlaw biker behavior. Why was this escalated, I don't know, we hadn't even done anything yet but park, wash down and sweep the area where we were going to photo and three members of our party went off patronizing their center by shopping at their stores. Maybe prior warrants searches were needed since we were citizens of the United States and were within the borders of another soverign nation's land (Indian reservation) by hundreds of feet. No ruckus broke out or any incidents, just alot of head shakin, standing around waiting of the police to finish running us for priors and the truck to return. We were then told we were trespassing and could be taken in even though we hadn't even completed our setup, no photos were taken yet and the bikes were just sitting there in their parking spaces just like normal folks do when shopping. All of a sudden that area's water sprinklers went on and we ran around moving the show bikes. No other sprinklers were on at the center....must have just been a coincidence. The Police kept getting more excited and threatening charges as time went by. Tensions mounted as the truck (an F350-dualee biker armored division vehicle) arrived back, presenting the police with a no-holds barred possible battle-royale scenario. There we were, outmanned two to one (not counting the wife and kids in one of the patrol cars) and out gunned six assault sidearms to none (Clinton definition of assault=black, large magazine capacity, semiautomatic). In the minds of the police, their swift actions potentially saved the lives and virtues of countless women, children and barnyard animals. This excessive show of force must of caused us to feel intimated, pants-wetting terrified and socially inadequate because we packed up (which we told them we would do as soon as the truck got back) and left to go find another photo shoot spot thus ending the legendary "Massacre At The Shopping Center Water Fountains" outlaw biker uprising. We were then informed that we are eternally banned from ever frequenting the Scottsdale Pavillions Shopping Center (must not have spent enough wampum). We ended up photoing back in Arizona within the United States in a pleasant side yard of the local public library along with the always majestic Arizona sunset.