It's 1999!!! Just a few short months and we are done with the 1900s! So what do we call the next two decades? If we are in the 90s now, won't it sound weird to say we are in the 00s? It's so nice of you to stop by. CHECK OUT THE WAV FILES!!! I will add more to that as I have time. Don't forget to drop me a note. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! Check out who already has and tell your friends to, as well. Check out the new POLL PAGE. Fixed my BABY PAGE!!! See great pics of Kynzi!(last updated on October 25, 1999)

Erik w/a "k"'s Nifty Links

A Great List of Links to Friends' & Family's pages, Chats, Music, a video and more!!!
Our baby was born August 9, 1999!!! Brand spankin new!
Alliance Youth Web Pages!
Check out this new POLL PAGE. Your vote counts (for something I'm sure)
NEW WAV files. Hear the sounds of Kramer, Chris Farley and more!!! THEY FINALLY WORK!!!
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Random Thoughts and a nice story

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