Slice of Heaven...
but now
You are the Cyber Citizen to be welcomed into my home in Cyber Space...(this is my 5th counter they all seem to die on me.... anyone know of any good counters?)
visitors have made it here according to Tripod... I had over 3,000 hits at Geocities when I moved here.
This page was created on
and is enhanced for
users may still access all areas but will lack most backgrounds and some of the gifs.
Please click here and fill out the form, so that I may know if I'm maintaining my page adequately.
Learn<....under remodeling check back soon areas will be my early childhood, school years, teen years, young adult years, places I have lived, poems, thoughts, reflections, dreams and aspirations, hobbies and interests, diet
, and my battle with depression. some areas are now up.
This is a display of some of my favorite gifs and jpgs on the net.
This is where you will find all of my favorite midi's , audio's, and wave's that are on-line..
Names, Pictures, email links, homepage links, employeer links, and links to thier home town..
I use the net mostly for chatting.. So here you will links to my favorite places to chat.
Fun and Games and Homepage junk yard
What more could you want? Links to goofy and crazy sites, contests, surveys, ads that pay you, games and of course my favorite... Free virtual gifts... now you too know of all the places I go to send you those silly things via email.
What girl doesn't love to shop? Here you will find malls and stores... All willing to sell to you over the internet.
My master list of all search engines I know of. If you try them all.. You will find what you are looking for... If it's not there... It doesn't exist.
My daughters page where you will not only find pictures of her you will also find links for young children. IN THE NEAR FUTURE HER HOMEWORK HELPER WILL ALSO BE UP AND RUNNING.![]()
The Forever Heavenly Herald
visit my photo album
How to find me on-line
PLEASE Apply to be my significant other
Need to send e-mail but don't have an account
Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site.
as of May 22, 1999