I can do this because the coven is a teaching coven and we welcome all seekers. The way I sift through the seekers to find those who are truely interested in becoming initated is that I have 4 levels.
Level 1 is for seekers who are new to studying Wicca. It gives the basics of what Wicca is and is not. It also gives an overview of the religion of Wicca.
Level 2 is for those who are interested in learning more about being Wiccan. To these I teach, in more detail, about the Goddess and God and our roll in ceremonies, rites and rituals. I also cover how to start raising energy to use in ceremonies.
Level 3 is for those who have mastered the art of raising energy and are ready to put it into action. This is, also, where I teach how to write your own ceremonies and spells, as well as incantations, words of power, etc.
Level 4 is for those who have mastered all of the previous levels and are ready to go out and form their own covens.
That is my goal, to train future High Priestesses and Priests. We need more who have gone through formal training and not just read a few books. There is no substute for hands on training. A person can read and gain knowlege, but if they have questions, a live person is needed. I encourage readings for my students. Then I am there for any questions that arise.
If you would like more information on my coven, please feel free to email me.
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