Zuffy's X-Files Homepage
Hi friends,
June 18, 03. Long time, no update. Here are two stories that I published on Ephemeral in the past year, but I never got around to posting them here. If anyone is still driving by this site, Chiggers is a bit of fluff that I wrote after my annual encounter with the little beasts. Twelve Beads is my answer to where William came from.
False Memories assumes that Mulder went missing after *Trust No 1 and didn't come back in the way they showed us in *The Truth. Instead, two years have passed. Scully has never quite given up trying to find him, never felt really sure of what to think. Then, one evening in a strange city, she seeks refuge from the rain.
January 5. I'd been wondering what happened to the real Scully this season and then I had this "inspiration"
November 24. I was intrigued by all the stories out there in 155 words, so I fired up my computer and... well it came out closer to 400. Sightlines takes place as Mulder leaves to search for the ship at the end of Requiem.
October 23. I've been puzzling for months about how the testy and defiant Mulder of *Three Words overcame that nasty post-traumatic stress syndrome and turned into the charming Mulder who could joke about the pizza man. Littljoe and I mulled it over and came up with The Fractured Landscape. There's MSR at the heart of it, but Doggett's here, too, if you're sensitive on that score. The chance to have them duel it out in sarcasm was too good to resist.
August 14. In the final scene of *Alone, Scully challenged Mulder that there was no photographic proof of the ship in Antarctica. How wrong she was. Photos of the entire rescue mission have recently come into my possession and I hope you will read the whole story of what really happened after the credits rolled in FTF: Escape from Antarctica, jointly authored with Littljoe. And here's a NEW! picture of David and Tea at the cast party.
At the end of season 6, I idled away the summer trying to figure out the symbolic meaning of Mulder's office and apartment. Why didn't Scully have a nameplate or a desk? Why did she spend so much time in Mulder's place in season 6? How did Padgett's apartment relate to Mulder's? Call me nuts, but I came up with Mulder's Office and Apartment. Season 8 features Scully's place in a way we've never seen before, so here's a parallel consideration The Symbolism of Scully's Apartment.
Cheers, Zuffy.
The Other Pages
Tuna's Roman Ruins and Mosaics
Zuffy's recent fanfic
Has Scully finally lost hope with Mulder's departure? My theory about season 9 Scully is a little different in Exile.
My vignette Sightlines looks at Mulder's search for the ship at the end of *Requiem.
The Fractured Landscape. How does Mulder overcome his post-coffin depression in *Three Words? The breakthrough comes with unexpected help.
Escape from Antarctica. Finally, photographic evidence of how Mulder and Scully were rescued, told by the daring rescuers themselves.
Hieroglyphs of Memory. Post-TINH. Samantha's diary resurfaces and leads Scully on an unexpected path.
The Coriolis Effect. Mulder returns and Scully copes with the change.
Across the Void. Post-Requiem. Scully finds a surprise at Mulder's apartment.
Recent fanfic by friends
I'll be posting favorite X-Files fiction (and some clever analysis) by friends.
A great post-ep to *Three Words is Grave Goods by Maybe Amanda and Spookey 247. Short with a very good characterization of Mulder trying to wrestle with the sense that he doesn't quite belong.
Pteropod's story Moment of Inertia beautifully captures Scully and Doggett through TINH.
A terrific short post-TINH story is called Something Less by Meredith. It takes place in the hours after Mulder was found.
For everyone who's been following LT's wonderful season 6 alternative Sanctuary, that tale is now done and LT is starting on the next leg of Alex Krycek's adventure, Topaz. Nobody does the Ratboy better. Wish we had seen more of this rich, nuanced, and flawed person on the show!
Back from season 7, I really liked Miraculous Manifestation by mountainphile, a post *all things development of the Mulder Scully romance. Reader discretion advised.
Everyone talks about the Mytharc, but what about the CHarc (Clothing and Hair Arc)? How did Season 7 advance the CHarc? What are the implications of the CHarc for story development in Season 8. Will Scully solve her unbuttoned shirt problem? Don't lose any sleep; Pteropod brings us The CHarc-ists Guide to Season 8. Check it out.
Penumbra, one of my favorite authors, has a new fic called Parabiosis. It fills in season seven with the unseen progression of the MSR and a case we never knew about. It is beautifully written and the characters are deep and quirkly and absolutely right. You can find it on Penumbra's home page.
CazQ came up with a wonderful story of Mulder and Scully under the night sky at Christmas in Season 7. This link will take you to Midnight Clear.
Here's a story by JLB with terrific characterizations: Abstract Insight. Pre-*Requiem, Mulder is frustrated, Scully is worried, and nobody's really talking.
Latest annals of rodent art: I you haven't seen our friend JonR's work, come now! The world's only warrior hamster, and he's got a PhD. Check out his art here.
Here are some of my favorite X-Files links:
A great discussion board:
My friend Penumbra, who has let me post some great stories above, now has her own website called Umbra Penumbra. You can find several other stories there along with some of her always interesting observations about the characters and their relationship.
Last Updated on January 5, 2002.
This X-Files Fanfic Webring site was created by Tuna and is co-maintained by his insomniac overseer Zuffy at zuffynuffy@yahoo.com