Our Lord, do not punish us if we forget or fall into error, and our Lord, lay not on us a responsibility as THOU didst lay upon those before us. Our Lord, burden us not with what we have not the strength to bear; and efface our sins and grant us forgiveness and have mercy on us; Thou art our Master; so help us against the disbelieving people. 2:287
Saying of Holy Prophet (saw) Hadith
Abu Hurairah (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) said:
Charity is due from every limb of a person on every day on which the sun rises. Doing justice between two persons is charity, to help a person ride his mount or to place his baggage on it is charity, a good word is charity, every step taken to participate in the Salat is charity, removing anything from a path which occasions inconvenience is charity. (Bokhari and Muslim)
Teachings of Promised Massiah (AS)
Do not fear the curses the world might heap on you for they melt in the air like smoke, they cannot turn day into night. What you should be afraid of is the curse that comes from God, which totally uproots from both the worlds those on whom it falls. You cannot save yourselves with hypocrisy and pretense, because the God Who is your Lord can see to the inner-most depths of your being. How, then, can you hope to deceive Him? Therefore strengthen yourself and cleanse yourself to become pure and precious without a particle of dross anywhere in your being, for if there be any such, it will take away your light. And if in any corner of your heart there be pride, empty pretense, hypocrisy, vanity, love of self, or laziness of disposition, you do not amount to anything acceptable in the sight of the Lord. Take care that on the basis of a thing or two which you think you have accomplished, you do not fall into the delusion that you have done all that was needed to be done; for God desires that your entire life, your whole being, should undergo a deep and thorough revolution. Indeed He demands from you that you accept a death, after which He would give you another life. Kashti-e-Nooh
Tahir Foundation - in loving memory of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (ra)
Humanity First is a UK based charitable trust established to promote and safeguard the preservation of human life and dignity. Humanity First is a non-political, non-sectarian international relief and development agency that works with communities around the globe to improve the quality of life for some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.