Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Link 6
Link 7
Link 8
Link 9
Link 10
Cookin' Up
Another Sidebar's easy as pie !!!
You can make a sidebar and use a url for a background in the data cell as I have done here. It does make kind of a nice change and is so simple to do.
I also have a border on this that helps to set the sidebar off and makes a nice frame for the rest of the page.
Cut And Paste The Code
<<>html><<>head><<>title>Page Title<<>/title><<>/head> <<>body bgcolor="black"><<>sidebar width="30%"LINK="white" VLINK="white"> <<>table align="left"border="7"> <<>tr><<>td align="center"background="http://url of your background.gif"border="4"><<>font size="-1" color="white"><<>i><<>b> <<>img src="http://url of your top gif.gif" width="95"height="81"> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 1<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 2<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 3<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address">
Link 4<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 5<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 6<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 7<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 8<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 9<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>a href="http://Link Address"> <<>b>Link 10<<>/b> <<>/a> <<>hr> <<>br> <<>hr> <<>/font> <<>/td> <<>/tr> <<>/table> <<>/sidebar> <<>body bgcolor="black"TEXT="aqua"LINK="aqua"VLINK="aqua"><<>center><<>font size="3"color="???color">
Body codes here<<>/body><<>/html>