CHANGE OF ADDRESS In 1996, we moved from Lalebrick Road where we had operated for nearly 15 years and moved to a super little house over-looking the famous Hooe Lake in Plymouth. We converted the garage into offices and the basement of the house is a fully equipped studio for our film productions and 8mm sales. As we compose this letter, we are watching the tide coming in across the lake - it's so calming. But the best sight is all those lovely 8mm films around us and the smell of 2.22. We collectors must be the only people on earth turned on by cleaning fluid and the smell of celluloid!

LEADING FILM PRODUCERS IN THE WEST COUNTRY So, what have we been doing in the last few years. Based on 8mm/l6mm cine footage, we have now become one of the West Country's leading documentary producers particularly in the field of Railway Documentaries. Having just finished our 23rd film in just three years, we have had our work featured regularly on local ITV, BBC and Plymouth Sound Radio regularly features stories of our productions. With whole page rave reviews in local papers, we have had three exciting years thanks to 8/l6mm film used as the backbone of our productions. Whilst we know that video will never replace our beloved film, our success has been mainly due to our background knowledge and over 25 years experience in dealing with cine films. Since you are all collectors, if you wish to purchase any of our videos, that can be made available to you for just £13.99 each including post. (Normally £16.49). The youngest member of our family, Phil (23 years old) is the managing director of Aarchive Film Productions Ltd., and we believe he is the youngest MD of a film production company in the West Country. Jill and Roger are still here, but Phil is now the gaffer, which enables Roger to spend time lecturing at College and dealing with his examination work as a Chief Examiner with the Royal Society of Arts. But, make no mistake about it, our love for film is as strong as ever - we are constantly on the look out for top notch stuff! Please E-mail to reserve any of our films or video, telephone you orders to (01752) 404296 and remember WE HOLD ITEMS FOR 7 DAYS pending receipt of payment. We accept all major credit cards and good are normally despatched within 14 days if not sooner. Before leaving our studio, all films are checked for condition etc., and where necessary re-leaded and cleaned. If anything slips through the net, please advise us immediately as we always offer a refund or credit for faulty goods. In the meantime, if you have any films to sell, please contact us and HAPPY VIEWING!


PAGE 1 - Feature Films (Super 8mm) - Cutdowns & Digests (Super 8mm)

PAGE 2 - Various Musicals (Super 8mm) - Trailers (Super 8mm)

PAGE 3 -  Sound Subjects (Standard 8mm) - Other Cutdown Subjects (Super 8mm)

PAGE 4 - 200ft Sound Subjects (Super 8mm) - Equipment & Sundries

PAGE 5 - Other Cutdown Subjects (Super 8mm) - Silents (Super 8mm)

PAGE 6 - NEW! - 9.5mm films

PAGE 7 - More 9.5mm

PAGE 8 - 9.5mm film and projectors

Last updated 25th Feb 1999