The Music Box

As your music box the light from your candles created dancing silhouettes on the we shared a million heart beats...our souls collided and our world as we knew it came to an end. Time has no values...destiny has no respect...only our own judgement should we trust. It was not by was by choice...and forever we shall both pay the price. The forest saw what we felt...the river heard what we they are but memories for both of us...a place we both wish to return to...yet we know we can not...

Being betrayed by someone we trust is awfully hard to take
Our heart...our soul and our will to care...all at once they break...
We think we will never again want to know just how it feels to trust
We look at the pain and grief it's caused...yet we know again we must...

Without that pain we would have no way to judge just how good we feel
Each smile...each kiss...each gentle caress would not feel quite as real...
For in order to know when things are good we must know when they are bad
If we are to understand the meaning of happy...we must also have learned about sad...

No matter how hard it seems at times we must never lose the will to try
Although sometimes when things are bad we think we would rather die...
Yet we never know for certain if we will meet again...or when...or how...or where
To run the river together once more.....and happiness and laughter again we will share...
