Fred Bear & Bear Archery
Home   Let's tour the Fred Bear Museum!
Fred Bear was one of the most important hunters, outdoorsmen, conservationists, wildlife educators and bowmen of the modern day era. He lived in a time of bountiful game, very limited restrictions and a world that didn't have to worry about being politically correct so as not to offend those who really don't have any say-so in the matter anyway. Fred Bear founded Bear Archery, invented the modern day compound bow, wrote several books chronicling his many overseas and North American hunts, and provided us with some of what is now the first hunting videos.. Even in his limited media format of books and black and white photography, Fred Bear celebrated the joy of the hunt, the camaraderie of hunters sharing time together and the fact that time in the field is more important than the time of the harvest. Fred Bear knew that tomorrow's hunters are today's youth and that one of the best places to teach today's youth and understanding of nature, the circle of life and the value of one's place in God's Great Plan was to share your time with that young person out in the nature.
Home Page Let's tour the Fred Bear Museum!

I was lucky enough to see the Fred Bear Museum located in Gainesville, Florida, which is just barely off I-75. The factory surrounds the museum which is located on the second floor of the complex. My photographs do not really do the mounts justice. However I hope that you enjoy them, and if you ever find yourself heading to Disney World, take 2 hours and stop on the north side of Gainesville as you pass through and look at the legacy left by Fred Bear for we outdoorsmen to carry on.

Fred Bear Museum
I-75 and Archer Road
Gainesville, Florida 32608-4999
Phone: 904-376-2411