I remember one time in Texas where I lived on a ranch on the Colorado River, at Winchell, seeing a cow eating heck out of a prickly pear. She had those thorns sticking all over her face and nose. I was amazed to say the least. I was told that when cattle start eating prickly pear that there's no breaking them of the habit. I've also seen a cow after eating a poisonous weed get real sick. Thinking back on this I decided that I would make a page of poisonous weeds that can kill or make your livestock real sick. Done a bunch of research and these pages are the results. Most of these weeds are indigenous to the western states. Maybe you can learn something about weeds you didn't know. The following pages I will show you the pictures of the plants , and symptoms they cause.

Poisonous plants cause serious livestock losses in the Western States. Each year these plants kill 3 to 5 percent of the cattle, sheep, and horses on ranges.
Livestock losses from poisonous plants are particularly heavy if.....

# Animals graze infested ranges when plants are most dangerous.

# Animals are driven or trailed through infested areas.

# Animals are not watered regularly. After very thirsty animals get water, the readily eat poisonous plants that they otherwise would avoid.

For many plant poisons, there is no known treatment. With certain plants, drugs are helpful if used as soon as animals show first signs of poisoning.

Many livestock losses can be prevented through proper management of livestock and range. To protect your animals from poisoning.....

# Learn to identify the poisonous plants that grow in your area

# Inspect all ranges before putting animals out to graze.

# Do not let hungry or thirsty animals graze areas heavily infested with poisonous plants.

Be sure that desirable forage has made sufficient growth before you put animals on range in spring.

# Give suplemental feed and water to animals being trailed or transported to new ranges.

# Put out salt and phosphorus supplements in several places cnvenient to animals; continue throughout grazing season.

# Eradicate poisonous plants wherever possible.

# Remove animals from infested ranges when poisonous plants become most dangerous.

Keep all animals away from poisonous plants for 2 weeks after using chemicals on plants.

# Remove animals from infested range as soon as they show signs of poisoning. Keep them quiet in a shaded area; give them plenty of water. Follow any treatment given.

# Do not let animals go without water for more than 2 days.



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