My Personal Squirrel Encounter

Thursday March 19th 1992 8:15am

University of Georgia Campus

Athens, GA

I was walking slowly and laboriously to my first class of the day, my head still clouded with sleep.  While passing through the quad area (the old section of Campus with lots of green space and hundred year old oaks) I raised my eyes far enough to notice a squirrel stopped directly in front of me on the sidewalk.  I thought this was odd since the walk had been devoid of birds, squirrels and noise up until this point.   Even odder was the fact that the squirrel was positioned immediately in my path and staring directly at me!  I took a few steps expecting the beady little bugger to scamper off, but instead he began to match my pace.

Beginning to sense that something strange was happening I glanced at the path behind me and was even more surprised to see another squirrel positioned equal distance to my rear. By now wide-eyed with terror I looked to my sides- and yes, two more squirrels were immediately to my left and right.  Slowly I tried a few more cautious steps, ever aware of the squirrels’ reactions. They again paced me as I walked. I walked faster, so did they, I studderstepped, so did they.

At this point a decision was at hand. Stand and fight, or run from this bushytailed quartet of evil. I, of course, choose to run. Before I did however, I gave the lead squirrel one more steady look. Looking back at me were the most thoughtful, cold, concentrated, evil and calculating pair of eyes I have ever seen.

To this day I can not and will not look directly at a squirrel. If I were to, I would shake and tremble at the thought of those eyes, those squirrels and that intense moment of terror. For I know that had they chosen to perpetuate their plan I would not be here now, and they may choose differently at any moment.


RJT - February 2nd, 1999 9:30pm




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