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"The city of Phraya Rasda; broad-hearted citizens; delicious roast pork; origin place of Para rubber; lovely Sri Trang flower; beautiful coral reefs; charming sandy beach; and wonderful waterfalls." This is a slogan that aptly describes the salient points of Trang.

Perhaps the most luring attraction for the foreigners are the beautiful beaches in the off shores Islands. This is the well known Ko Muk, an island with a hidden bay.

The 3 mountain ranges, the Khoa Na Dang and Khoa Noi Juji in the north and the Khoa Bantah Mountain Range in the south surround Trang.

The Khoa Bantah spans across southern Trang in the Isthmus of Kra and trapping the moisture coming in from the Andaman seas. Heavy rainfalls rocky geology forces the rivers to drop over cliffs. Trang can boast of having numerous waterfalls along this range.

With karsts hills scattered all over its Province and the temples that have made their presence in the caves, Trang also brings in local pilgrims and curious foreigners to their places of worship.

The Province is proud to associated with the endangered Dugong, the large marine mammal that feeds on Sea weeds.

Between the mangrove forest and the reef grows seaweed’s that is good food for the Dugong. Scientists have confirmed that this is the only place in the world where they are breeding in natural environment.

Focusing on waterfalls, those well known in the province are :-

Waterfall Names


Available ?


Highway 4 Phattalung /Trang, in Nayong


Sai Rung

Along country road 4125, in Yan Takao



Along country road 4125, in Yan Takao


Lam Plok

Along country road 4125, in Yan Takao


Ton Te

Along country road 4125, in Palien


Ton Tok

Along country road 4125, in Palien


Chong Banphot

Turn off country road 4125, in Palien

Chao Pha

South of Ton Tok falls, in Palien

Ang Thong

End of country Road 4046, in Sikao

Roi Chan Phan Wang

Wang Wiset District


There are a couple more falls, Pak Cham and Ton Klan in the district of Huay Yot that we have not being able to verify.

The Kachong Waterfall

This is a stretch of rapids inside the Kachong National Park. The Park can be easily reached and spotted as it lies beside the Highway 4 coming into town from Phattalung

While the directional signs are prominent, the place well publicized, don't be disappointed- Waterfall seekers!

The Park is a popular campsites among the locals.

The rapids and cascades flowing through the Park add a tinge of adventures to the campers.

The dramatic Sai Rung Waterfall


In the district of Yan Takao and towards the foot of the Khao Bantad Mountain Range, the first and the most beautiful fall is the Sai Rung Waterfall.

Today, getting to Sai Rung waterfall is an easy and convenient undertaking. First travel along Federal Route 4 from Phattalung to Trang.

Coming from Trang there will be signs advising visitors of the 3 waterfalls. Then there is a turning into a country road 4145 on the right side.

On this map there are a total of 8 waterfalls in the 3 districts of Trang Province.

About 15 kilometers down this road, a turn off to the left into a narrow but very beautifully paved road that meanders through rubber estates. A couple of kilometers onwards the estates ends and the road will be passing through dense jungle area.

The road leads to a car park with toilets and food vendors

The waterfall is about 500 meters from the car park and follow the path that goes over the shed and boulders. The volume of water passing by the rapids also made it risky to cross over to the opposite bank. There is trail on the bank that leads right up to the pool at the bottom of the fall.

You will be greeted by this magnificent vertical fall at a distance.

The water flowing pass is absolutely clear and impressive.

A deep and wide pool awaits those who have made their way to this point.

This photograph is not doing justice to the size, height and the appearance of the Waterfall. It is over 150 meters tall, broken into 2 drops.

The Prai Sawan Waterfalls

Travel along the same highway to Sai Rung waterfall. Some 3 kilometers down the road these waterfalls are there.

An important point of these waterfalls is the forest that surrounds the vicinity. The name "PRai Sawan" translated as Heavenly Forest speaks much for the ambience.

The smooth rocky surface of the cliff wall and the water gliding over them stirs up fantasies.
This waterfall is made up of a total of 7 cascades well spaced out. Each falling 3 to 8 meters high. Most cascades are however very gentle.

The Lam Plok Waterfalls

In the district of Yan Takao also nearing the boundary to Palien district, a waterfall is already converted into Hydro-electric dam

In this rocky edge there were 7 cascades before the area was dammed and flooded.

However deep into the pristine jungle and on the upper reaches of the river there are cascades that remain undisturbed!

The tallest fall in Thailand - the Ton Te Waterfall

The waterfall is located in a recreation area 46 kilometers from Trang. This waterfall is officially measured at 320 meters tall.

Still on Highway 4125 at one of the villages 35 kilometers after turning in from Highway 4, prominent signage will direct visitors to the recreation Park

The very unique Waterfalls -the Ton Tok waterfalls

This river with these waterfall draws its water from the same basin as the Ton Te waterfalls that flow westward. This river flow southwards.

Instead of a single large vertical waterfall, this river reaches the plain after dropping 15 times. Each fall vary in height of 10-20 meters.

The interesting fact of the falls here lies in the terrain. At this waterfall, the rocky cliff appears to be in layers. Then the rock in them break up into cubicle boulders.
Water is gushing out in between the layers and overflowing from the top. This is one of the lower fall at 10 meters tall.

The Roi Chan Pan Wang Gourpools Waterfalls

This waterfall or a series of many waterfalls is quite unusual. The waterfalls here however do not fit the usual images of waterfalls most people have in mind, large volume of water falling from tremendous height. Literally translated "Roi Chan Phan Wang" means "hundred level- thousand palaces". With such names you can imagine the scenery surrounding the vicinity of this waterfall.

The Roy Chan Phan Wang falls is a recent recognition with potential as a recreation area and touristy destination. In many parts of Thailand, the local rural folks is not ready for a lifestyle that dwell into such fancies, but more concern about their daily needs.

It is located in the Northeastern corner of Trang near the populated district of Wang Visit, somewhat at the border between Trang and Krabi provinces.

Accessible from the left of a junction at Kuan Kun, a 3 kilometers combination road/dirt track leads to the Fall.

Alternately, at one junction in the Klongshee village along Highway 4, a direction sign is now available to guide visitor to the area. Following this way, the distance of 29 kilometers passes through para-rubber estates and secondary forest.

This is a dirt road and visitors are advised to proceed on motorcycles or off road vehicles. Most of the way is unpaved but mainly shaded.

The falls are made up of fragments of a river that carry sediments down from the limestone cliff. In dry weather, the slow flowing water will be depositing these sediments to form "gour pools".

On this flat plain, the flow of water is dispersed and spread over the limestone floor area. With each drop in height there is a slow but continuous build up of calcium wall to form small dams at the edges of these drops.

Wet season will see the water "overflowing" at the falls and the emerald green color of the pool completes the special effects to the whole area.



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