Psa. 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."


Are you beset with worries,
Weighed down by life's cares?
Lay it on God's altar,
And, leave it there!

It's hard to come to this place,
This decision make;
So used to managing on our own,
His advice…we'll not take.

So, weighed down…beyond endurance,
Struggling is all we know;
Our happiness and health suffer,
Because we just won't let go.

Just as Abraham brought Isaac,
Unto the mountain top;
And laid him on the altar,
Did God's will…and didn't stop.

Because of Abraham's obedience,
Isaac was restored;
Given back to Abraham,
His faith increased…assured.

Father of faith…was Abraham,
God spoke and he obeyed;
Just think of where we'd be today,
Had Isaac…not upon the altar lay.

Mighty men of faith have gone before us,
All showing us the way;
When God speaks, we should listen,
Listen to all that He says.

We can struggle with our problems,
Our whole…entire life through;
And, in the end what have we,
Still our problems…nothing new.

Or, like Abraham, we can be obedient,
To God's altar bring;
All our cares…all life's struggles,
And, let our God restore again.

I have a special problem,
Close to my heart…it is;
Something I cannot change,
Though try and try, I did.

Can I trust my God enough,
And, to His altar bring;
This pain that is within my heart,
To Him…an offering.

God…in His time,
Makes all things new;
A perfect work He does,
Not just in me…but, also you.

So, first we must let go,
And give our God control;
Not taking back…when things look glum,
But, trusting Him to make the problem whole.

Lay it on God's altar,
And, remember to leave it there;
He does far-better work than we,
He always answers prayer.


Sept. 9, 2000

Aimee Love

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