*John 12: 27 "Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour."

**Matthew 27: 46 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

***2 Corinthians 5: 21 " God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that IN HIM we might become the righteousness of God."


Betrayed by those closest to me;
By those in whom I trusted,
These things ought naught to be.

Betrayed, although well-meaning,
My confidence still shattered;
How can I ever trust again,
Betrayed by idle chatter!

Trust is only gained,
By years and years of knowing;
Confidence retained,
By years…trustworthy, showing.

Isn't this the very way,
Our blessed Saviour felt;
Betrayed by those most near Him,
A cruel fate…He was dealt.

He walked with them for many years,
And taught them all He knew;
His love poured-out in many ways,
To them…was always true.

He came to show men how to walk,
To all…an example be,
And, just when things seemed aright,
They nailed Him to a tree.

Cruel fate…cruel fate indeed,
Betrayed in the house of friends;
Our Master…Prince of Peace is He,
Alas, why this the end?

"For this reason have I come,
into the world to die";*
These were His words,
And, to the Cross…was brought nigh.

For such a one as me,
Lost sinner, in all ways…unworthy;
Still, He knew His Father's will,
His life and death…a testimony.

Hanging there…upon a tree,
As atonement for our sin;
Blood poured-out…Perfect Sacrifice,
He had a victory to win.

Victory over evil,
Victory over sin;
He is more than Conqueror,
The victory, He did win.

"Father, why have You forsaken me?"**
God did turn away from sin;
Jesus, became sin for me,
Redeemed fallen man, again.

Now, we live in victory,
God raised Him from the dead;
Perfect atonement for our sin,
We have nothing more to dread.

Now, IN CHRIST, we're righteous,***
Blood-bought sons are we;
Betrayed by others…matters not,
The captives, JESUS has set free!


Aug. 19, 2000

Aimee Love

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