1.TREE CALLS.This is a very low yelp hens like to make while still on the roost at daybreak. It lets the other turkey know that everything is right. A very low tree call is a good first call to make, to locate the turkey's around your stand while they are still in the tree. Make this call only once. You can't make it too soft; the softer the better.

2.YELP.This is the standard call of all wild turkeys. It is the birds way of communicating with one another at a distance. A young hen has a fine pitch to her yelp. An old hen has a raspy sound to her yell, and a gobbler has a coarse yelp. In the spring, a serious of four to eight rasy yelps will usually get a response from a nearby gobbler. A series of yelps is possibly the most deadly turkey calls. Again, you must not overdo the yelping. Do just enough to keep the gobbler interested. Don't try to yelp to him every tie he gobbles. Play hard to get. Usually, considering you've done a lot of other things right, two to four serious of yelps is all that is necessary during the entire time you work an old gobbler. Over-calling will be unnatural and send him in the other direction. Fine yelps of a young turkey and coarse yelps of an old gobbler are good to learn for fall hunting.

3. CLUCK; The cluck is the turkey's locator call. This is a short-range call that sounds like "kut," which the turkeys use to get together. This is a good call to use when a gobbler is working near you. One word of caution---the cluck, when improperly done, may sound like a "putt," the turkey's danger alarm. Practice you cluck until you can do it right the first time, every time. As with the yelp, the cluck should be used only occassionally.

4.CACKLE; This is the "come to me" a hen makes to a gobbler in the spring. Hen may crackle when they fly down from the roost or want a gobbler. A hen does not crackle very much in the morning, and I think it is best to use it only once or not more than twice when working a gobbler. It is a good call to use on a gobbler that is moving away from you.

5. KEE-KEE; This is a whistle-like, high pitched call call maded by lost young turkey in the fall. This is a great call to use in the fall for callng up a young gobbler if you scatter a flock of young turkeys. This call can be used more often than the spring calls. A fall hunter can mak this call on most callers. Simply take a police type whistle and cut the little cork ball or pea out of it. You now have a caller that, with a little practice, will give you a perfect kee-kee call every time.

6. GOBBLE; The gobble of an adult male turkey is easy to master if you use a gobble call such as "Scotch Turkey Gobbler." The gobble is an excellent call to use during the spring when the gobbler you are working is with hens. Usually two or three gobbels will bring in a jealous gobbler on the run. The gobble call can also be used at first light during the spring to locate nearby gobblers.