backstreet bone

Welcome to Backstreet's Bone, home to the wildest member of the Backstreet Boys, A.J.! What are you waiting for?!? It's party time!!

Last Update=March 2nd, 1999.
Added new guestbook.

I know that I haven't updated for a LONG time so I'm gonna make it up to ya'all somehow. Another thing, I noticed that we have some fighting going on in the guestbook. Please, if you want to fight/critize/insult someone, send it to their e-mail address and don't put it in the guestbook.

For anyone who doesn't realize it, I'm not AJ McLean, nor am I related to him in any way. So, please don't e-mail me with stuff to give him or sign my guestbook saying you love my music or something like that. Thanx.

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