China Philatelic Association, Hong KongPO Box 1452, G.P.O., Hong Kong
Postal History Society of China
Tommy Chiu
Chinese Stamps (1992-1995), E-mail China Philatelic Society of London Monthly meetings are held in London: See website.
Tommy Chiu's
'..dedicated to the stamps and cancellations of Imperial China
An OnLine Publication from D & O Trading, The Netherlands
Waterlow Centenary
(research) by Jozef Wagemakers
1998 saw "... the centenary of the issue of the so-called 'Waterlow Stamps'. A good reason to pay attention, by way of a series of articles, to this fine and exciting issue ...
The article was largely inspired by 'The Waterlow Issue of 1898' by Beales and Aglen, which is based on a study of the archives of Waterlow & Sons Ltd.About a hundred years ago, the Chinese Imperial Post issued their second postage series. This series is known as the Waterlow Issue, after the printers Waterlow and Sons Ltd. ..
- Introduction
- Historical background
- Numbers printed
- Characteristics of the stamps
- Summary of the characteristics
- Colours
- Papers
- Die types, Plates, Retouches
- Printings, Paper
- Perforation
- A survey of the perforation
- Bibliography
Catalogs... More
- Jollian's People's Republic of China Stamp New Issues List
- Download Stampalbum.com pages for Cochin China & Manchukuo
- CNPC's OnLine Catalog - New Issues
- PR China Stamp Shows Calendar from stampshows.com
- China Window - Online magazine - non philatelic; commercial & news - in English.
- China Guide - Shop 'til you drop; good multimedia section.
- StampChina
- Offers the ' Complete Stamp Collection of China' - on a CDROM - produced and published by Optical Memory National ERC, Tsinghua University. Covers 1878-1993 = "... surely a stamp encyclopedia of China... includes photos and video clips associated with the stamps' historical background ..."
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