James in Action

James as a Baby
James Richardson Boxall

James is our all-rounder. He's clever, practical, funny, big, healthy, handsome, warm, affectionate, and helpful. He's also the most mischievous. He loves to climb, run, ride his bike very fast, and do stunts on it, he also loves his rollerblades, baseball, soccer, and generally to be outdoors. He has a huge appetite and eats anything that isn't actually moving. His favourite piece of music is Horse With No Name, by America. James turns 7 on March 2nd this year, and enters Grade 2 in September which he is well ready for. He's not as computer literate as Tom & Alex but he likes to play games on it, and he LOVES receiving e-mail especially from other children, and has his own account! He can't wait until he is 12 and can join Army Cadets like his big sister.