About Aliens and UFOs

About Aliens

Aliens. UFOs. Yep. You heard me right. When you hear someone say, "Aliens" you think of, well, aliens. Also, you think of UFOs. There's nothing to be frighted about. Or is there? What is an alien? What do they want? This page tells you what you ever wanted to know about aliens. Maybe even more than you ever wanted. So, enjoy the facts, enjoy the page, enjoy the aliens.

About UFOs

Now, about UFOs. If you have ever sighted one, you know what one looks like. If you have not, they are mostly little balls of light zig zaging around. The best time to spot one is on a clear night. If you're in the city, or near the city, try your back yard. If you don't have one, try the park. If anyone asks, tell them the truth. If they are normal, they will look up at the sky, or they will wish you luck. Luck. you need luck to spot an UFO. Chances are, you may not see one. But keep trying. Try the moon nights. Full moon may have luck.


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Aliens visted in their UFOs!