-My Life is Ordered Chaos-

My life is ordered chaos
In thought and spirit
I would talk to my self but i couldn't even hear it
My life is ordered chaos
Like school or a war
I know for a fact that its realy quite a bore
My life is ordered chaos
How will I get through it
I probably just blew it
My life is ordered chaos
Thats all I have to say
Maby someday I'll meat you in the fray


How can one so dear loved by two
Make a decision about which to love so true
Such a decision is hard to make
So this is the vow I must take:
You to my heart so dear
And i would love to hold you near
I do not want to tear your eye
I do not want to see you cry
Maby I can speed you choice
With a few sweet words from my sweet Voice
Make a decision you must do
So to help you this i do
To the one so loved by two
I must now say adue
For your love lies with another
And he is my friend, my brother.

Copyright © Charles Allen
