A View of Snowball

Snowball in the beginning showed that he was a more intelligent pig then Napoleon. He was a good orator, he could easily convince people he was right.
Snowball together with Napoleon lead the revolution and became ‘leaders’ when the revolution succeeded. Snowball was a visionary leader. He was inventive and planned to improve life for the animals, he wanted to change and improve.

Snowball was the one who wrote and thought of the seven commandments. This shows us that he really wants a new and better life for the animals. Snowball
and Napoleon could never agree in something, they were always involved in big debates and quarrels between each other.

Snowball was intelligent, he was the first one to think about the animal committees. He organised, planned and helped each comity. He new that committees
were the best way to keep order and to easily improve life between the animals. This shows that he was a visionary leader. He can organise and think of way
to help the animal society.

The first sign that Snowball is not thinking of the people but only in himself is that he agrees that the pig should get the apples and the milk. This is corruption,
Snowball is corrupt. He (together with the other pigs) is taking advantage of the other animals, Snowball is becoming human. Every day Snowball becomes
more like a human, he is robbing the animals of what should be shared between them.

Snowball is also a very brave pig. He fought bravely during the counter revolution. Snowball planned the entire defensive operation. He gave orders with allot
of planning. His plans were perfect and very ingenious, Snowball is a very tactical, calculated and smart general. Not only does Snowball plan an attack but he also fights in it. He acts in the front line not in the back, he actually leads the attack this shows that he is brave.

Snowball again shows that he is a brave pig when he attacks Jones the only human being armed with a fire weapon. Even though he is shot Snowball still finds
strength in himself to go on and bite Jones. This shows that Snowball is not a pig that will easily give up, he is a persistent fighter.

Another evidence that Snowball is a visionary leader is when he plans to build the windmill. He knows that this would help all the animals in the job. The
windmill affair also shows that he is better at convincing then Napoleon is. We can see this when he convinces the animal that unlike what Napoleon says the
windmill is a good idea. Another evidence that he is a good general is when he manages to run away from Napoleon’s dogs.

Even though Snowball was a visionary leader he was too happy and motivated to do his job and improve animal life that he failed to see the inevitable. He
should have imagined what Napoleon was going to use the puppies for, he should have taken precautions. Snowball should have been more political and
diplomatic in his dealings with Napoleon.

Snowball was naive not to know that sooner or later Napoleon would try to take full control. He read Julius Caesar he should have associated Brutus with
Napoleon and taken more care. He should be great friends with Squealer. If he had Squealers unconditioned loyalty, Squealer could convince the Animals that Napoleon was to blame and not Snowball. Snowball should have made a truce with the sheep and not ignored them.