O Holy Angel,
attendant of my wretched soul
and of mine afflicted life,
forsake me not, a sinner,
neither depart from me for mine inconstancy.

Give no place to the evil demon
to subdue me with the oppression
of this mortal body;
but take me by my wretched
and outstretched hand,
and lead me in the way of salvation.

Yea, O holy Angel of God,
the guardian and protector
of my hapless soul and body,
forgive me all things whatsoever
wherewith I have troubled thee,
all the days of my life,
and if I have sinned
in anything this day.

Shelter me in this present night,
and keep me from every affront of the enemy,
lest I anger God by any sin;
and intercede with the Lord in my behalf,
that He might strengthen me in the fear of Him,
and make me a worthy servant of His goodness.


To weary hearts, to mourning homes,
God's meekest Angel gently comes:
No power has he to banish pain,
Or give us back our lost again;
And yet in tenderest love, our dear
And heavenly Father sends him here.

There's quiet in that Angel's glance,
There's rest in his still countenance!
He mocks no grief with idle cheer,
Nor wounds with words the mourners ear;
But ills and woes he may not cure
He kindly trains us to endure.

Angel of patience!
Sent to calm
Our feverish brows with cooling palm;
To lay the storm of hope and fear,
And reconcile life's smile and tear;
The throb off wounded Pride to still,
And make our own our Father's will!

O thou who mournest on the way,
With longings for the close of day;
He walks with thee, that angel kind,
And gently whispers,"Be resigned:
Bear up; bear on, the end shall tell
The dear Lord ordereth all things well!"



Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan
and all evil spirits
who roam throughout the world
seeking the ruin of souls.



Good-night, my Guardian Angel
The day has sped away;
Well spent or ill, its story
is written down for all
And now of Gods kind providence
Thou image pure and bright,
Watch over me while im sleeping
My Angel dear, good night!



I stand before you my Angel
friend and companion.
I bow before you my Angel
teacher and guide.
What can I ask of you,
what should I say?
You know my fear and weakness,
You know my power and strength.
I ask that you take my fear and weakness,
Hold them in the palm of you golden hands.
Blow on them with your divine breath,
Blow them away
so that I am clean and free.
Turn them into flowers
with golden petals.

I ask that you take my power and strength,
Hold them in you radiant hands.
Raise them up to God as an offering of
My commitment to the Light.

I stand before you my Angel,
with your sparkling golden light.
I stand before you my Love,
with your ancient wings of wisdom.

Knowing together one day
we shall stand in glory
Before the dazzling throne of the Most High.
Together we shall hold hands,
man and angel,
As all creation sings
in praise and glory and triumph.

Victorious in our journey together,
Enriched with wisdom, power and love.
Together we shall be absorbed
into the great Heart of God,
United as one in the sweet ecstasy
of Almighty Love.

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory forever and ever.



As children bring their broken toys,
with tears for us to mend.

I brought my broken dreams to God,
because He is my friend.

But then instead of leaving Him
in peace to work alone.

I hung around and tried to help,
with ways that were my own.
At last, I snatched them back again
and cried, "How can you be so slow?:

"My child" He said"What could I do?
You never did let go."


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