To make your own slide show cut and paste the code below and make a page with it. Then make as many copies of the page with the code as you have pics. Where you see the ? marks in the code, that will be where you put the next page and pic URL's.

Just erase the question marks, then where the ? was you will put the next page it goes to and put in your image.

Say you have 3 pages named pic-1.html and pic-2.html and pic-3.html. On the pic-1 page you would add pic-2.html in both spots where the ? was and on the pic-2 page you would add pic-3.html in both spots and so on.

Now to add music, cut and paste this code into a new page and name it whatever you want. This will be the page that starts your slideshow.

On the last page you can put a link to take you to another page and put this code in the link to break out of the frames

Or if you want it to break frames by itself put this in the head tags instead of the meta refresh on the last page.

15000 is 15 seconds

If you want the slideshow to start over then on the last page just put the url of the first page in the meta refresh and since the first page will already be loaded you won't need to put the <<>link href="blah.html" rel="next">

A special thanks to Jerry for showing me how to make the slideshows.
You can check out his pages here. He has a lot of cool slideshows and more at his site.Jerry's Pages

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