試刊號 -- 一九九九年一月五日


Hello! My name is Mei Nguyen. It has been my pleasure to work with Amy, Vanessa, and Anita Lei to bring AM Journal to all of you. I am currently maintaining a HP titled "Ah Mui!" which is dedicated to our Anita. Unfortunately, I'm doing some reconstructions on it right now. The HP will not be updated for a while. However, you're still be able to visit the available archive of "Anita Mui Live in Concert -- Alantic City '98" at

Due to the lacking of my knowledge in writing and typing Chinese, my section at AM Journal and "Ah Mui!" HP are written in English. In this issue, I'm grateful for having the opportunity to review Anita's latest Mandarin album, and I'm glad to share it with you.

Review Posted Date: January 5, 1999
Reviewer: Mei
Singer: Anita Mui
Title: Moonlight Over the Bed "Chuang Chue Ming Yuet Guang"
Company: BMG/Music Impact
Total # of Songs: 10
Release Date: November 1998

(Note: All titles are in Mandarin pronounciation.)

This is the second Mandarin album from Ah Mui under BMG/Music Impact. Since her last album Woman Flower - "Nui Ran Wa" with the smashing hit "nui ran wa," Anita introduces Moonlight Over the Bed - "Chuang Chue Ming Yuet Guang" with a very fresh material in both song's quality and singing style. Plus, all the pictures in the cd are great. Anita looks very sexy. And, her performance is excellent!!! Here is the English introduction in the cd booklet: " In the year 756 AD. The drunken poet Li-Pai had fallen into the river while chasing the moon, Leaving behind him a poem, and a jar of wine. As time passes, the legend has it: ' Whoever makes this poem into a song, and drink in the moonlight, she will travel back in time to transform into Li-Pai. ' Thousand years later, A woman has fulfilled this dream, and She is ~ Anita Mui"

Track 1 - "chuang chue ming yuet guang"
It is the title song of this album. The music in the introduction is very mystical. The lyric is based on the poem from the famous Chinese poet, Li-Pai. The way that Anita sang "chuan chue ming yuet guang...ang...." and "chuen thau won ming yuet...uet..." is very Faye Wong like, but the way that Anita managed her voice is so unique which seperates her from Faye.

Track 2 - "nui ren hung"
This is the typical "traditional" Mandarin song. It is very different to the song "e so i ni chin bye kwei" from the last Mandarin album. Chinese drum and flute set up the background nicely. Anita delivered a beautiful performance here!

Track 3 - "san toi cay"
Both lyric and composition are very well written. The verses are so cute and the melody is very easy to follow and sing-a-long. Anita's voice sounds younger. She sang with a sexy tone. It's just great and well performed.

Track 4 - "tiao ti"
This is a semi-uptempo song. The background music reminds me about track no.1. There is not much new about the song, but the track itself contrasts to the previous tracks to generate the diversity that Anita has.

Track 5 - "wo chang chot chit miao cheung tai"
It is a nice slow song. Again, the Chinese flute is in the background to set up the mood. I really love the way that Anita interpreted the song. Her voice is so...o..oo... nice.

Track 6 - "yue chung chin"
This is a good track to listen to when it is raining outside(:-)) I like the violin in the background. The mood of the whole song was well presented. This song was arranged by Anthony Lun, Anita's producer/musical director. The highlight in this song is the part when Anita handled high notes. It marks the international level since singers like Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carey sang many high notes in their vocal parts.

Track 7 - "i son lan toi yan"
Chorus was very well arranged. Anita performed the song beautifully. Again, high notes were handled well. The song has a touch of international composition.

Track 8 - "piao lin"
It's a predictable arrangement by Ricky Ho. He had done a nice job with "nui ran wa," "e so i ni chin bye kwei," and "yue i yue ou chu" from the previous album. There is a nice touch of Chinese melody. Unlike track no. 2 and no.5, Anita's performance in this song is very different in her control of the pitch and interpretation.

Track 9 - "tung xi"
The second semi-uptempo song in the album. It has a light faster beat than the other one. Actually, it is even better than track no. 4.

Track 10 - "kung shin"
Very soothing. What a great song. It's an appropriate song to end the album. This song reminds me the song "yue i yue ou chu," track no. 9 in Woman Flower - "Nui Ran Wa."

What can I say more? I'm really impressed with this album. It really takes to another level. Anita's performance is getting better and better. She sang so wonderful. There is no doubt about it. Although there are only two up-tempo songs in the whole album, Anita had showed her variety in the rest. Comparing to the last Mandarin album, the choice of songs in this album is much better. I think that there is one thing missing from this album. BMG/Music Impact should include the Bonus VCD in the package since the type of Bonus VCD is getting very popular nowadays. Besides, it is a great promotional tool too! Plus, it's great to see Anita's MTV. Since the company did not include it this time, I hope that they will release a separate Anita Mui's MTV VCD in the near future. Agree?!?!

Thank you so much for the support of all Anita's faithful fans out there! See you in the next issue... "San Nin Fai Lot" --- Happy New Year Everyone!!!

好緊張呀! 咁大個女第一次咋。 可以同其他 ANITA SUPER FANS 一齊合作這個 『AM JOURNAL』。 真係好開心啊! 我真係覺得好榮幸, 希望大家多多支持 啦!

首先我會講一講我既 homepage 既最新動態。 雖然我既 homepage 已經 release 左一段日子。 但還有很多很多地方都未完成。 所以我會係離緊 /coming 既農曆新年假期去 construct 一 0下 我既 homepage。 例如我會 add 一個『Gallery』。 這裡會有好多阿梅既相 and also 華仔阿梅既合照。 希望我可以係這個農曆新年假期完成。 而我亦繼續努力去 UPDATE 我既 homepage。 Pls visit it frequently

好啦, 講返我地既『刊號』先。 今次既 TOPIC 係 about ANITA 最新 Mandarin Album 『床前明月光』。 從 ANITA 97 年簽約台灣藝能出其國語唱片後真的是一次比一次好, 而今次這張充滿著新東方女性主義, 一張穿梭古代, 現代, 時空, 打破現實的世紀末世界音樂大碟, 真的非常吸引及新鮮, 而我本身亦很喜歡這張大碟, 因為碟內的每一首歌也有不同的風格, 而 ANITA 亦可以將每一首歌不同的風格演繹出來。 真的非常 動聽。 尤其是『床前明月光』ANITA 真的可以把這首穿梭古代及現代時空的 感覺演繹得淋離盡至。

我真的很喜歡『床前明月光』這一首歌, 因為它隨了用李白『床前明月光』這 首詩作題材外, 旋律亦非常動聽。 其實我本人很喜歡音樂, 自己對音樂亦很有興趣, 所以 ANITA 這張 CD , 我重複地聽了不知幾多次。 我覺得每一 首歌的旋律也不同。 『女兒紅』有些滄桑和古代的味道。 『想得開』, 『挑剔』, 『眼中釘』, 『東西』這幾 首歌雖然對愛情有些悲觀的感覺, 但是充滿著時代和現代感。 而歌詞方 面, 我就比較喜歡『女兒紅』或『愛上狠的羊』雖然 ANITA 說在這張碟中沒有一首歌是講 ANITA 現在的心態。 ANITA 亦覺得『愛上狼的羊』很特別。

講到宣傳方面, BMG 真的非常重視 ANITA 這張大碟, 基於世界性發行。 在11月中, BMG 在台灣舉行一連串宣傳活動, 名為『雙A計劃』因為隨了 ANITA 之外, 還有 ANITA 的超級好朋友 ANDY (劉德華)『雙A』這個名因此而來, 在這一連串宣傳活動中包著括有校園 SHOW , 記者會, MINI CONCERT, 電台訪問等, 真的多不勝數。 吸引了過百名不同地方的傳媒採訪。亦幫助 ANITA 這張唱片的銷量, 我 們各位 FANS 亦可以看到了 ANITA 的風采。

隨了唱片宣傳活動外, MTV 的方面落了不少功夫。 『床前明月光』的 MTV 花費近一百萬港幣作電腦特技, 拍攝現場運用四十幾部相機同步立體, 三百六十度取景, 看過了 ANITA 的 MTV 的 FANS, 也讚不絕口, 希望 BMG (Music Impact)可以快 D 有 VCD, 海外既 FANS 就可以睇到阿梅 MTV 的電 腦效果。

其實我好驚, 因為我都唔知自己講甚麼, 希望各位 FANS多多指教及 若有錯的地方, 請講給我知, 我會盡量去改的, THANX A LOT =D

最後祝大家新年快樂, Happy New Year !!!

~ 完 ~


若有任何疑問, 請 電貓 給我們!
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