Welcome to a n n c h o u ' s    S p a c e   


Hi, you curious guys are still here?

Looking back, it has been ten years since my first experience of web authoring. Wow. Things don’t change too much for me: still single, still studying and still loving craft, traveling and photography. Of course, there was some detour in between where I am now and where I was in 1998. I have been graduated from UBC and BCIT, been working as a medical laboratory technologist in four different organizations in British Columbia, Canada. Each one was further and further away from home. I have also been sad and upset about how my hearing impairment limit me to reach my full potential. Of course, I am proud and happy for where I am positioned now.
Three page diary in 2000 "my diary" - Well, start struggling. (^Q^)

I update my site with a brand-new photo album and a blog for my lantern.

Annchou's Lanternsnew
Passion about Lantern (Blog)new

I always fancied about lights and shadows. The compassion first took on me on the late, dark, wet winter evening when I had to walk to the bus station after writing a LPI test. The whole UBC campus was in a ghost state. But when I walking by the new chemistry building, the rectangulr lights came from a row of window above me remind me I am still on earth and living. The chemistry building is a big lantern. A lantern, afterall, uses to illumine the path in dark. new

Thank to Jalbum, I am able to organize my recent photo into a meta-album of 16 mini-albums: Annchou's photos. Topics include "CANstruction", "QE Park in early spring", "Spring in graveyard", "Mills lake", "hike in first lake@Seymour", "hike in Hollyburn", New year greeting from Snow Angels", etc.

In previous update, I added my travelling blog "Moose West Pass - Canadian Rockies -Oct 2003". This was an exciting trip. I met many cool friends.
Very probably, I might continue this blog because I still have lots of vacation!!

The below are the old stuff:

  Wanna see The U l t i m a t e Survey for a n n c h o u ?   

Here are my grad photos taken. p(^^)q
Ann's grad photos

  I have a speciality page on Icons.  
A lovely page: lots of free animated cursors!
I c o n    H a t c h

  Please visit through the above link  

Today's Link: BC WORK Futures Online

Last Updated: 03/21/2025 15:57:51 by annchou.
Visited times.
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