My PCC Artwork Page

For about a year now I have been creating PCCs in MS Paint and Paintbrush. When I have time I have been converting the .bmp files that my PCCs are into .jpg files that I can post on this web page. I only have a couple of the PCCs converted right now, but come back latter to see more.

Click on the smaller image to see each car full sized.
















The best part about my PCC artwork is that it is all done on the computer and I don't always have to pattern them after real PCCs. So below are four images of S.L.O., San Luis Obispo, Transit PCCs and three Cal State L.A. PCCs.

Click on the smaller image








Below are some new SLO PCCs. This time they are a bit on the wild side.

(slo1005 Articulated)

(slo1006 Double Deck)

(slo1007 Short PCC)

(slo1008 Tower Car)

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