Collectables Page
Besides Banana labels, I collect a lot of other stuff. Here is a sample of some of that
One of the things I collect is railroad pocket calendars. I have several neat ones and I
have decided to put a few on this page. The first calendar is a 1960 Pennsylvania Railroad
calendar that I bought at a swap meet about 10 years ago.
Click on the images below to enlarge.
The next calendar is an 1952 Santa Fe calendar given to be by a good friend. It is one
of my favorite calendars.
Click on the images below to enlarge.
Besides the railroad calendars I also collect railroad matchbooks that are in the shape
of railroad cars and locomotives. I have one DD40X which contains small boxes of matches.
Below is my DD40X which I got at a model railroad swap meet.
To go with the UP DD40X above I have three box cars and a hopper. Each one of these
cars contains boxes of matches like the DD40X.
Among all the things I have collected over the years, I found two little cards. The first
card is a BeanO Bubble Gum card of a Glasgow Tram. I do not know what year it is.
Click on the images below to enlarge.
The second card is a Player's Cigarettes card with coal on it.I am not sure the vintage of this
card either.
Click on the images below to enlarge.
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