GH's Dark Hero Defined

You can't have a page about an actor without putting some stuff about the character he's best known for playing on TV. At least I don't think you can. So, without further ado, here is the biography of one of General Hospital's darkest heroes, Luke Spencer! There is also an essay about what makes Luke tick, composed by yours truly. Check it out!

Once a rebel without a cause, this rogue found his raison d'etre in the arms of one woman, his wife, Laura. Now wed to her for more than 15 years, there's been only one man he couldn't keep her away from - her bastard son, Nikolas Cassadine.

Luke came to Port Charles in 1978 to help his sister, Bobbie, break up Laura Webber and Scotty Baldwin.

A year later, after Laura married Scotty, Luke had his way with her on the floor of the Campus Disco.

In 1981, after beating both the mob and the evil Cassadine clan, Laura and Luke married.

After Laura disappeared in 1982, Luke became involved with con artist Holly Sutton.

In 1983, Luke was reunited with Laura, who told him of her experiences as the kidnapping victim of the Cassadines.

Some 13 years later, Luke found out the part of the story that Laura didn't tell him - that she had borne her captor-husband, Stavros, a son, Nikolas.

In his youth, Luke Spencer was a dangerous man. He'd do just about anything to turn a buck, even if that meant doing dirty work for the mob. Being a husband to Laura and a father to Lucky and Lesley Lu has changed Luke, but not for the mellower. If anything, now he's more dangerous than he ever was. There's more than his life at stake - lives that he considers far more precious than his own.

In 1978, Luke came to Port Charles at the behest of his sister, Bobbie, who needed his help separating the object of her affection, law student Scotty Baldwin, from his girlfriend, Laura Webber. Although Bobbie never landed Scotty, she definitely had gone to the right person for assistance. After Laura married Scotty in 1979, she and Luke became friends while she worked for him at the mob-run Campus Disco. The night before he was to perform a mob-ordered hit - a suicide mission - he acted on his strong feelings for Laura and, despite her protests, had his way with her.

It wasn't until 1980 that Laura admitted that she cared for Luke - and that she always had. When Scotty broke up Luke's wedding to mob princess Jennifer Smith, he and Laura went on the run from her father, Frank. After Laura divorced Scotty and Luke had saved the world from being frozen by madman Mikkos Cassadine, the couple finally became husband and wife in 1981. That same day, Mikkos's widow, Helena, cursed them.

Only a year later, Laura disappeared in the fog on the docks of Port Charles and was presumed dead. Despondent, Luke went camping and met Holly Sutton, an English con artist. Their affair ended that same year, after his back was broken in an avalanche and he allowed her to think he had died. By the time he walked back into Holly's life in 1983, she had married his best friend, Robert Scorpio.

That same year, Luke was elected mayor and was reunited with Laura, who wasn't dead at all! When her abductor, Stavros Cassadine, Mikkos's brother, followed her to Port Charles, he was killed in a scuffle with Luke. The bad blood between the Spencers and the Cassadines continued to boil.

In 1993, Luke and Laura returned to Port Charles with their son, Lucky, after hiding out from Frank Smith for years. When Frank finally was killed in a shoot-out in Puerto Rico in 1994, Luke opened a blues club with Frank's former front man, Sonny Corinthos. Later, Lucy Coe became his partner.

Luke was none too pleased in 1996, when Stefan Cassadine, Stavros's brother, arrived in Port Charles with the solution to his and Laura's problem. Their daughter, Lesley Lu, was desperately ill and needed a bone marrow transplant. The only compatible donor seemed to be Stefan's nephew, Nikolas - the son Laura never told Luke that she had borne Stavros!

Some thought Luke's unwavering hatred of the Cassadines was unfounded, but he was right to be suspicious. He had Laura banish Stefan and Nikolas, but just before they were to leave Port Charles, General Hospital was closed. Stefan would save it, he said, only if Laura would allow him and Nikolas to stay. He won that round, but the war was far from over. Stefan attempted to take over the world, by trying to introduce a computer virus into the world's financial systems. Luke, however, managed to stop Stefan’s agenda. In order to maintain a peaceful existence for his family, Luke made sure that Stefan did not know that he was the one who had foiled his plans. Despite the various victories on both sides, the Spencer/Cassadine feud will rage on until the last day Luke draws breath.

Luke resides at 24 Royal St. in Port Charles, New York.

What Makes Luke Tick? My Essay!:
Luke's Confession:
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