Title: Life, Death And The Afterlife. Author: Special Agent Dana Scully FBI Rating: Pg 13 Category: /sippy moments sad moments Have you ever buried your face in your hands cause no one around you understands? That's my life, it's like whenever i look up it's just more misery, more pain but there is one thing that keeps me sane as well as alive, the one bright star left in my darkened sky. Scully. If she had not been here i would DEFINITELY be dead by now. Somedays my soul's confined and out of time, i could sleep forever , but when i see Scully it's like a huge Caffeine hit that shakes me back intoreality. My life was always about finding Samantha, solving the never ending Xfiles cases that pile up on my desk and around my room everyday, but as i begun to trust Scully i realized my work wasn't worth doing withouther by my side. When Scully was taken from me i sat in my office and cried for days only then realizing how important she is to me. Without her my will to pursue the truth about E.B.Es and the government within the government trying to conceal the truth about U.F.O's has disappeared along with my soul and reason for being. After the dispute about Diana Fowely, Scully faded into the background, and i found myself roaming around the dark streets aimlessly. I didn't know where i was going i couldn't go home my apartment was to dull,lifeless so i just kept walking and replaying the fight with Scully in my mind. Did she really mean what she said? Has her personal interrest gone because of fowley? Damn that bitch Fowley! She ruined my life before and she will most probably do it again. As i turned the corner i realized where i had been aimlessly walking....To Scully's apartment. I grinned at the thought of that. I knew the way to Scully's aprtment from mine like the back of my hand. I decided that i should make amenz with Scully and bring back her personal interest. I knocked on the door. It slowly began to open and i saw Mrs. Scully standing in the doorway.....her face flushed full oftears. 'What wrong?' 'It's Dana' 'What about Dana? Did she tell you about our little fight?' 'huh?no i didn't know you guys had a fight.' ' Well we had a little tif earlier about something no need to worry. where is Dana? What's happened?' i said as i walked into her apartment looking around. 'Well, I was coming over for dinner tonight ' she said as she lead me to the couch.' I got here a bit early and no one was home so i let my self in and i got some things ready for dinner. Then there was a knock at the door. It was the Police,they said. .' she started to sob and then steadied herself. ' Dana died 2 hours ago in a fatal car crash where she wasapparenlty drunk.' The shock ran over me like a thousand knives . Mrs. Scully started to sob uncontrolably and i engrossed her in a hug and managed to squeak out. 'It will be alright. Everything will be fine.' I didn't want to let go of her....she was my last link to Scully but she soon left . When she was gone i buried my face in my hands and cried.... i couldn't believe it...... i believed in most things but this i couldn't believe..... Scully... My Scully was gone and i hadn't even had a chance to apologise. Now i am sitting in her dark aparment, waiting for her to come home, but the reality is she's never coming back again. I look on the coffee table and see a picture of me and her. I remember when that picture was taken....she insisted on it when we went to see the liberty bell, since i hadn't seen it before she thought i should capture the moment, but now my happiness is gone Scully is gone, that moment is gone my life has gone and i sit here and ponder the posiblity of seeing her one more time. That time will never come so i put this gun in my mouth and blow my pain , my misery and my life...or what is left of it and hope that i will see Scullyagain. --Mulder slowly put the gun in his mouth and pulledthe trigger-- Suddenly he is in Scully's aparment he looks around and sees Scully with her hand out stretched to him. He Smiles and runs to her and eveloped her in a bighugand Kiss. 'I've missed you Scully' 'Mulder it's onlybeen a couple of hours' 'I still missed you, missed this. I never got to tell you how sorry i was.....' ' I knew you didn't really mean what you said but you shouldn't have killed yourself Mulder, you should've lead your life and uncovered the people i was killed by, I would've watched over you from here and waited for you to join me' she said while sliping her fingers through his hair 'Scully, you died in a car crash how could i find the people who killed you?' 'Jesus Mulder! you really believed I died in a car crash drunk? Haven't you heard the phrase Trust No One?' ' How could i have been so stupid?' 'Well don't beat yourself up about it now...it's in the past and they will get theirs when they die. I just can't believe that you killed yourself because of me.' 'I love you and have ben inlove with you since the first day we met andI would rather spend an eternity with you than a life time without you' The End. ok what did you think? Luv Special Agent Dana Scully FBI